While the World Economic Forum (WEF) is persecuting mankind with their evil agenda of Build Back Better, we will be pushing forward the Christ-honoring agenda of Build Back Beauty in 2023.
I cannot tell you what 2023 will hold. I can tell you we are nearing the crisis point of The Fourth Turning. Previous fourth turnings included the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and World War 2. Like those epic events in our history, the next few years will shape the United States for generations to come.
I can tell you we have reached the point where the choices are between Christ and chaos. This idea is not original to me. I’ve seen it shared around online, but it perfectly sums up the situation in which we are living.
There is no middle ground. There might have been an illusion of a “safer” middle ground in recent decades. That option – real or perceived – isn’t there any longer. Every person is going to have to choose. It’s following the truth of Christ or standing by and allowing the godless chaos to overwhelm you and your loved ones. There is no secular option that is going to pull us out of this chaos. It’s either the truth of the Bible returning as the foundation of our country or descending into even worse than what we are already experiencing.
No one is going to escape this by hunkering down, wishing for the good old days, and hoping it will all go away. It’s not possible. Last January I said that there was no going back in my video post Things Will Never Be The Same Again. The present and future are being built. The question is who are you building it with? Christ and fellow believers or the demons of the WEF? That’s it. At this point, if you aren’t actively opposing the evil in whatever way God calls you to do so, you are allowing it to move forward by virtue of doing nothing to stop it. That’s reality.
In my post O’Sullivan’s First Law Applied to the Christian Life, I wrote that every day people must make the choice to continue with Christ or they will inevitably drift toward denying the historic Christian faith. There is no other way to describe it. Rewriting O’Sullivan’s law for the Christian faith, I defined it as:
All people searching for God and Christian truth who are not fervently committed to the core tenets of the historic Christian faith will over time deny the historic Christian faith.
(Might people stray and come back to Christ? Yes. But is that your goal? To see how long you can remain “neutral” or see how far you can stray and hope to pull yourself back in the nick of time after you’ve lived comfortably in the world for a time? Or hope that the Lord jerks you back into walking with Him? I hope none of us would take that approach to life.)
We are living through a wearying time. I feel it. I’m assuming you feel it. You are probably tired of fighting and seeing the carnage around you. I am, too. This week we definitively learned that our own government was involved with taking out a sitting president (Kennedy) and was also aggressively working with Big Tech to deny people their fundamental First Amendment rights on significant issues leading up to the 2020 election. There has barely been a blip of it in the news or in conversation because people are weary, demoralized, or even unaware that this information came out.
We are all weary.
But giving up isn’t an option. It’s simply not.
This is the moment of time in which God placed us. He has a purpose for each one of us to impact those in our circles of influence no matter how big or small that circle might be. He is calling us to faithful Christian living in these difficult times.
I don’t know what 2023 holds other than I anticipate there will be much that is unexpected – probably both good and bad. But the Lord knows. We’ll be doing our best to walk with Him in faith each week to spread His love and beauty in our lives. We will work to Build Back Beauty.
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