Many people are longing for things to go back to “normal” as they view normality. In this video, I’m sharing six things that are never going back to what we considered normal in the past. I also speculate about three more things to watch for in the coming months.
Updated: Please look in the comments here for updated information re: a number of the topics I discuss in this video.
Sallie Borrink
“We have all heard the phrase ‘nature abhors a vacuum’, it is also true in politics. When the Right retreats the Left fills that vacuum. Which means that every time we say I don’t want to be involved in this issue, the Left wins. Which in turn means that our lives become less free, because we are increasingly living in their world, the world they built because they turned up.
The days when you could live a life with little to no interference from politics are over. Even if you submit you will still never escape their politics. Because they believe that they are near the end of their political objectives, they believe that not only are they winning but that they have won…for all time. But silly people keep getting in the way, people like you and I, people who aren’t onboard with their ideas. Which means that they cannot let us rest, they must destroy the last opposition to their plans, the only small resistance to their final victory.”
Why Do We Have to Fight?
Thomas Yetman
Hi Sallie, this is true. While Canadians slept, a socialist/globalist coward Trudeau,stole our freedoms . Working class men and women have awakened us to the danger. I fear that now nothing short of civil war will restore what we gave away. I am a conservative and a Christian English Canadian from a working class background. Like most of my people I worked hard advanced through school and my wife ( a beautiful French Canadian lady), successfully raised 4 children to be Christian in outlook, a healthy respect for hard and honest work and a love of family. Maybe though we should have paid more attention to politics but in our defence all our major media outlets are state controlled and we get little if any useful information in either English or French that isn’t coated with anti Christian, anti conservative or now, European (descendants) supposed racism. Traditional English and French Canadian culture has been supplanted by a globalist diversity illusion of citizenship. The socialist here in Quebec are so disconnected the no longer even refer to citizens as people but ‘the population’. Population of what? Citizens are so dehumanized as not even to rate the designation of PEOPLE ! I would warn our American brethren, beware of the change in language. It is the first place socialist attack….Tom
Sallie Borrink
Three entries from the “Follow the Data with Dr. Frank” channel on Telegram:
One year ago, my mother passed away. I was then trapped in California for two weeks because Covid and the holidays delayed our ability to make her final arrangements.
The day after my mother died, Kathy Barnette called me from Pennsylvania. “Dr Frank, would you look at my election data? I trust you.”
For two weeks I immersed myself in data for one of the most corrupted elections in the country. And I found tons of fraud.
I’d been modeling elections for forty years, but didn’t know until a year ago how much fraud there was, and how they were stealing our elections.
Then I analyzed Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and then Colorado… all of them were full of fraud. I then visited Colorado at the invitation of Sherronna Bishop, and then Mike Lindell made a movie about my work.
Both events have had national repercussions.
Now I have dear friends and patriots in forty states.
I am a leaf on the river.
RIP, Mom. Thanks for encouraging and nurturing my scientific career. The country thanks you, too.
“What’s Next?”
The other day, someone asked me what I plan to do after we get our elections fixed.
I don’t think there will be an “after” during the balance of my lifetime. Rather an ongoing process of investigation and exposure, leadership, education, repentance, revival, and redemption.
Human nature craves the quick fix. And we tend to become complacent after our early victories.
Not on my watch.
I am devoting the balance of my life to this war; a struggle between good and evil where our elections are just the first weapon we must remove from the toolbox of the enemy.
The corruption runs deep.
I’m praying for a shallow bottom and a full recovery. But it took us decades to become this depraved, and it will require years to get us back on track.
And then the next generation will need to enjoin the battle, because evil never sleeps.
“Eighty Dots”
The average person lives about eighty years. Imagine that each of the dots above represent one year of your life. I’ve broken them up into groups of ten, separated by commas.
So far I’ve lived sixty of my dots, and I’m pretty satisfied with how I’ve spent them. I’ve been a musician, teacher, inventor, scientist, daddy, and husband. It’s been very fulfilling.
And God’s been closely present in my life ever since the very first dot. I am a blessed man.
During the first sixty dots it felt like I was making my own choices, determining my own outcomes and circumstances. Looking back, I now see that so much has been orchestrated to bring me to this exact place in time, and to prepare me for my next twenty dots.
Recognizing this emboldens my work going forward, because I recognize that God’s hand is at work in my life.
But not just my life. Yours too.
I encourage you to discover the unique gifts God has given you, and boldly embrace and engage the remaining dots before you, knowing that He gave you your gifts and your dots for a reason.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Sallie Borrink
Updated numbers more recent than what I mentioned in my video
Sallie Borrink
Another update regarding the story I mentioned with Zuckerberg dumping money into specific states and specific cities. Wisconsin has already had public hearings about this.
Sallie Borrink
More on Zuckerberg’s money in the elections
Sallie Borrink
Not Racist at All: Minnesota School Board Votes to Provide Extra Pay to Non-White Teachers
Sallie Borrink
Minnesota Puts White People at the Back of the Queue For Life-Saving COVID-19 Treatment