This is a beautiful a capella rendition of a hymn that was new to me, “Who Am I?” It is sung by the Altar of Praise Chorale, a group of men and women from conservative Anabaptist groups.
If you enjoy this music, don’t miss my post Peaceful Hymns for Your Sunday.
Who Am I?
When I think of how He came so far from glory
Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
To suffer shame and such disgrace
On Mount Calvary take my place
Then I ask myself the question
Who am I?
Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
Who am I that He would pray not my will, thine Lord
The answer I may never know
Why He ever loved me so
That to that old rugged cross He’d go
For who am I?
Who am I that The King would bleed and die for
Who am I that He would pray not my will, thine Lord
The answer I may never know
Why He ever loved me so
But to that old rugged cross He’d go
For who am I?
But to an old rugged cross He’d go
For who am I?
Charles “Rusty” Goodman
Alyce Dolphin
I love this song as sung by these people. Beautiful. It makes me contemplate the love of our Lord, Jesus.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Alyce,
I’m glad it ministers to you as well. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I truly appreciate it.
Lorraine Friesen
Can I purchase satb sheet music for this song, Who Am I?