Many of my readers are a part of the historic Christian faith. I know many people who claim Christ as Savior and Lord have found the past several weeks to be bewildering. Their churches have started pushing ideas antithetical to the historic Christian Gospel. People are struggling to understand why so many high profile Christian leaders are bending the knee and embracing the false woke gospel. The answer can be found, in part, in a term called negative world by Aaron Renn.
I’ve spent a lot of time deep diving into these topics in an effort to sort out what is going on. I’ve shared a great deal of what I’ve found helpful. In this video, I go through Renn’s newsletter that I believe makes all of this much clearer and also add my own observations in the process.
Please watch it. It is 37 minutes long, but it’s vitally important. I will be referring to this video many times again in the future so if you want to understand my posts and videos in the coming months, you need to watch this video.
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8
This is the location of the newsletter I’m reading from in the video:
The Masculinist #13: The Lost World of American Evangelicalism
The Masculinist Newsletter by Aaron Renn
Thank you for this – I was able to listen to your wise words while I cleaned the kitchen! I’ve been beside myself with concern over the things I’m seeing from those who profess to be Christ followers. You hit the nail on the head about counter culture not being so counter cultural. I don’t talk to a soul outside of my house about my faith or political leanings anymore. The days of civil conversations are long gone. Far more often than not, the Christian homeschoolers I’m meeting are very progressive in their politics and it’s hard for me to wrap my brain around it all. Many of these ladies are very AGGressive, as well. Just like Jesus was. haha Looking forward to more videos!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Jen,
You are very welcome. I’m glad it was encouraging. It’s a tough time and I want us all to know we aren’t alone and we aren’t crazy. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment to encourage me and everyone else who reads your comment.
Thank you so much for your timely message. It stated what I had been feeling, but had been unable to articulate. The “church” is more and more worldly, and I appreciate you making a stand for authentic Christianity.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Anne,
Thank you for letting me know that the video was helpful in putting words to your feelings. Your comment encouraged me and I appreciate it.
Sallie, THANK YOU for this wonderful and informative video. I listened as I cut up cabbage and onions for our dinner tonight! I need to go back and read the link. I have been feeling so very concerned about the shifts within our country as well as in the CHURCH lately, and what you have so wisely said is just spot on IMO, and it makes complete sense. I am hoping you will do many more videos on topics such as this. I thank you and am so appreciative of your time spent on the video.
Although we have 3 grown and married children, along with one granddaughter, I am still a homeschooling mom, as we adopted 5 children from China at the time our older children were in their teens, and we have 8 years left before our youngest will finish high school.. Anyway.
Oldest daughter and her husband serve with the campus ministry (not wanting to name it, but it’s obvious) of which you have some videos linked in your forum. Let me just tell you, when I watched those videos I was APPALLED and devastated by what I saw. My daughter and her husband, though still in their 20’s are some of the most godly people I know (I know, I’m their mom, but truly, they are) so this was so incredibly heartbreaking to see what is going on within their campus ministry. In one of your videos, someone says to not stop supporting the person you support, but to speak with them first, which I am in agreement with. We’ve not had the chance yet to talk with our children (want to do it face to face) and I know their hearts are NOT in that direction, so we will continue on with our support; however, we plan to talk with them and let them know what we’ve seen. Now, I do know that they do not agree with that liberal social justice agenda and have no part in all that, but they WERE at that Cru 19 event. I want to hear their thoughts on it all. Do they even SEE what’s going on in their ministry? That it’s going down such a very slippery slope? Is it so prevalent and assumed that they don’t even notice? I’m afraid that many of those well intentioned young adults who are on staff are just getting swept along in the tide, and not really stopping to THINK about it. Our kids work in SE Asia, so they don’t see all the social justice “stuff” that is so prevalent on the US campuses (and in all of life here).
Knowing the direction that their campus ministry is taking is so very, very disheartening. I’m very thankful you had those videos posted; I just had no idea.
Sorry this was so wordy and long~ I looked for an email on your site but didn’t find one.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Pam,
Thank you for the comment. Yes, the Cru video was disturbing. Even as much as I keep up with what is going on in areas like that, I was surprised by how bad things were. I hope you are able to have some good conversations with your daughter and son-in-law.
Part of the reason I share things in my forum is because I honesty think most Christians have no idea what is going on in their denomination, the parachurch ministries they support, their alma mater, etc. It’s not that they don’t care, but mostly just don’t think to dig into what is happening or are too busy with life needs.
Thank you for encouraging me by taking the time to comment.
Pam – I hope you are seeing the updates here. Could you confirm you are? Otherwise I’m going to find your email in my system and contact you.
Thank you, thank you for this very timely and relevant post. As a life long Californian, who currently resides in Los Angeles, I cannot begin to express how deeply disturbing these recent events have been. Most especially as they’ve played out amongst modern day Christians.
These pastors bowing to the state and local governments’ “authority,”using a wrong application of Romans 13, are either delusional or willfully ignorant. The mayor of LA prayed, mask-less, with BLM protestors. Protests and riots are sanctimoniously encouraged, but singing and chanting are illegal? Casinos are open, but you can’t hold an indoor church service?
Then, when you have a pastor biblically confront these absurdities, you have other pastors openly criticizing him? Is their social media following and popularity *that* meaningful?
I apologize for the rant. Thank you for the video. It summarized well the insanity we’re currently living in. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Monica,
I can imagine how frustrating it is to be in California, let alone Los Angeles. The crazy is strong out there. We’ve had some of the same ridiculous restrictions in Michigan which I’m sure everyone has seen on the news since our governor decided to drag our lovely state through the mud and make a spectacle of it.
I’ve watched so many videos about the national names in what some call “Big Eva” (Big Evangelicalism) or the Evangelical Industrial Complex. It’s not a healthy thing in many ways. They are so quick to compromise and try to fit in. They definitely have their clique and all want to stay in good with each other. It’s starting to split into a few different camps which I think will become even more pronounced in the next few years.
At the same time, I wonder if God will use this pandemic situation to dismantle so many of the empires created by these men. I can’t see the multi-campus megachurches coming back any time soon. The ones who have split into small groups (basically house churches) may be very surprised how many of those small groups have no desire to come back to the impersonal megachurch situation. Many people who formerly attended but weren’t part of the body of Christ will simply not return, especially if returning comes at a cost.
I agree. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. I think a lot of us are more than ready for the rapture, Second Coming, or however it’s all going to work out.
Thanks so much for putting this together, Sallie. I listened to it early this morning on my way to work, and I’m still processing and plan to listen again later. This is exactly where I’ve been wandering and wondering for a long time. I have been in the desert as far as the body of Christ for years. I have been searching, wondering, and running into brick walls. I know you’ve shared a lot in other posts about your own journey with this. It all is starting to make a little more sense now. Thank you!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Cheryl,
You’re welcome! I’m glad it was helpful in putting together the things you were already thinking. I had been kind of stuck in the same place for a number of weeks. I was thankful for this framework to help pull at least some of it together.
Good to hear from you!
Sallie, thank you for going through this. It was nice to have you read most of it. I’m going to print it out and discuss with my husband. Like you, we’ve been watching a lot of videos and doing research. For the past 20 years I’ve been saying that as churches have adopted Rick Warren’s seeker-sensitive curriculum our churches have become weaker. The majority disagreed with me. I could never “prove” it. I just knew he was watering down the Gospel. I went to his church a handful of times 20 years ago and was dismayed. I never heard HIM preach – it was always someone else. I felt like they were trying to help people, but that there was still something really wrong, but I cldn’t name it. Today I know what it is – New Age teachings.
Interesting that he really promotes telling pastors to create a friendly environment and that members need to reach out to the new people in attendance, do things as a body throughout the week, etc, yet when I attended his church, I always felt alone. The ONLY person that talked to me was an atheist I sat down next to. After the service we had a short conversation about beliefs, faith and if angels existed. I was a Christian when I attended this church, but I was young. Thankfully I had grown up in a Bible-preaching, Christ-centered church, so I never got on the wrong path when I was looking for a church home.
This past week someone e-mailed me a free book called “In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity” by Tamara Hartzell. It’s 400 pages, and she details just how much the Purpose Driven Life differs from the true Gospel. It’s pretty eye-opening. I will put it in my subscriber’s Library section if you want to access it.
I’m going to ck out your Forum. I just heard about CRU on another channel and I want to see the video. The great thing about this ridiculous shut down is it has given people more time to research claims and people are learning the truth about how much we have been lied to and manipulated. I just watched Out of the Shadows this morning, when I heard the journalist Millie Weaver was arrested.
Your analysis and this newsletter made a lot of sense. I remember a few years ago a preacher from Europe telling our church what was going on in Europe and warning that America would be next. I am proud of John MacArthur’s standing up to the gov’t. Did you hear that a church drove 2 hours to be the first 1000 people in to receive the misdemeanor citation so that the Grace Community members could worship without fear? They didn’t end up writing the citations, but how awesome of these people willing to get one so others could freely worship.
I’d like it if you would discuss more in detail about the women who are leading other women astray. I’ve got 3 names: Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and Sarah Young’s channeled book, Jesus Calling.
Thanks again,
Sallie Borrink
Hi Janine,
I have been in the same place for decades. The whole seeker sensitive thing took off when I was on staff with InterVarsity and I was like, “What? I don’t think so.” The thing that makes me the most upset is that there are so many people who have been lied to and led astray by these “Christian leaders” and “Christian pastors” in this time.
Of the three women you have mentioned, Beth Moore is the only one I’ve studied in-depth. I think you are probably right about the other two as well, but I don’t have the facts assembled to say, “This is why I think they are wrong” even though I think they are. So do I think they are a problem? Yes. Am I prepared to back that up with assembled materials? No.
The best collection of information I’ve found about the problems with Beth Moore is on Elizabeth Prata’s website The End Time. She’s assembled an entire collection of critiques of Beth Moore and her teaching.
If people aren’t aware of what happened last summer, it’s an interesting read. Beth Moore is clearly in the group of high profile Christians who came to prominence during the Neutral World and are struggling to deal with the Negative World.
An Open Letter to Beth Moore – Timeline of Events
I think Beth Moore may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for the SBC.
Sallie Borrink
Here is a Twitter thread from last year that was shared elsewhere this week. It is James Lindsey picking apart a Beth Moore Twitter thread. He’s agnostic, I believe, but has become an expert on the entire woke/critical race theory movement.
He may not be a Christian, but he can poke holes in all the things she (and others) write that do not line up with the historic Christian faith she claims to believe but instead align with the false woke gospel.
I know these Twitter threads are annoying and hard to read, but it’s worth seeing what he is saying here.
Thanks; also appreciated the link below re the Justice Democrats, which was confirmation of what I’ve been seeing in several areas.
Have you read any of Samuel Sey’s stuff, he’s been writing some interesting posts about current events I’ve been enjoying.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Ticia,
Yes! David shared a post of his and I wanted to write about it or do a video since I had first hand experience with that particular topic. It was this one, but there are a number of other posts and such I’ve found online that actually would make a good video topic.
Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice
That was a really good one by him. I even went back and read a few in his archives and those were interesting also.
Thank you for sharing this video. I find much information on your site helpful in opening our eyes to deception in the church and outside of it.
Here is a video I just watched on the dangers of the Joyce Meyer ministry and the Word of Faith Movement.
Sallie Borrink
Here’s another example of “Christian leaders” trying to keep their Neutral World popularity in the Negative World. I could write an entire post about this topic, but will drop the video here for now.
Sallie Borrink
Interesting follow-up
Sallie Borrink
Cheryl left this comment before my site had a glitch and it was lost.
August 21, 2020 at 9:19 am
Thanks Sallie. The issue of the sanctity of human life has been and always will be the deciding issue for me at the polls. More and more, though, I’m running into Christians who are on the unity train, or don’t want to be “one issue voters”. SMH.
Thanks again for being vigilant!
Sallie Borrink
Another look at trying to keep Neutral World popularity in the Negative World
9Marks Turns Left
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James `1:8
Sallie, I appreciate this video. In fact, my 15 year old son, who is super interested in politics and theology, joined me for the last 25 minutes of it. We both enjoyed listening to your analysis, and had a good conversation afterwards.
Thank you!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Lauren,
How fun you watched it and discussed it with your son! Thanks for letting me know.
Sallie Borrink
This is long, but if you want to do a deep dive into this topic… There is plenty here. Note this was a year ago. Look how the floodgates have opened in the past year.
Some of the best stuff is in the last half so be sure to look it all over.
“Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement
Have not watched this yet, but glancing through it I am certain it is applicable to this post. His podcasts are usually very thorough.
Katie Revoredo
Thank you Sallie! This was really helpful! I’ve been familiar with social justice creeping into the church, and also progressive Christianity, but the analysis of the newsletter you did was even more clarifying. It’s been disheartening to see so many churches bend to the culture.
More updates re: CRU
I’ve watched his videos quite a bit. I think he is a very solid source of information. He is well-connected, discerning, and seems as truthful as I can discern from a distance.
Well, look what got mentioned at the end of this post.
I had the same thought when I was reading Dreher’s post and saw someone beat me to it. Once you realize this is what is happening among high-profile, cultural-engagement Christian “leaders,” it just jumps out at you whenever you run across it.
Evangelical Dislikes ‘Live Not By Lies’
Thomas Yetman
My family has been Anglican since it began. When I found out about the Canadian Anglican Church vacillating on the issue of gay marriage I left…with my family. It was extremely difficult. We then attended the Presbyterian Church…the same happened. Living in Quebec Protestant alternatives are thin. We attended a small Baptist church and discovered the Minister had quit. My wife is Catholic and the Anglican service was very similar so we attended the local Catholic Church. This was hard…but, I love and believe in the communion established by Christ. I pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus only. When we are back in the north (10 months of the year) we watch Protestant services (often John MacArthur as there are only French sermons available). We read our bible and pray. I cannot express the deep sense of betrayal I feel having the Church(es) fallen into apostacy. Jesus established 1 church not many. I believe we are entering into an age of non-denominational worship. Jesus is separating the goats from the sheep. No matter what church we go to worship in, it is theologically flawed at some level. Best to stick to the word of Christ. The more we are in the world the less we are ‘of’ Jesus and his church. He will gather us…no one else. He knows my heart. A difficult and confusing time in which we live.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Thomas,
Someone commented recently that C.S. Lewis was an Anglican because in the time and place where he lived, it was one of the more faithful churches. If he had been born in a different time, he might not have been Anglican. I think faithful Christians are all impacted by the time and location in which we live. I believe God has a faithful remnant in many different parts of the church around the world.
And, yes, I agree Jesus is separating the goats from the sheep. The past few years have made that abundantly clear. So many goats and wolves have been revealed.
May we continue to rest in His work on the cross and resurrection for our salvation.
Thomas Yetman
Amen Sallie…I absolutely agree with your take on the ‘remnant’. I don’t think where a person bends his knee to God in the name of Jesus is important. Those that do no matter where they do it are the remnant of the true church of Jesus. Faithful above all else….Tom
Sallie Borrink
I don’t even know where to start with this one.
Words fail.
(Video on Gab)
Thomas Yetman
Junk pseudo intellectual posturing. There is no substitute for education. It reminds me of the idiocy peddled by Louis Farrakhan. The bric-a-brac paste board description of Black American Islam is unfortunately the product of generations of ghettoization. A people locked into their own sense of futility and desperately trying to shed their own skin. Self hate at the very core. What Is disturbing is the willingness of some Euro American(s), like the bobble head in the video, to completely abandon their history, culture, religion and self respect to accommodate a skewered notion of correct behavior. It is nothing more than subordinate cow towing to fashionable pop etiquette and ultimately the greatest expression of a fraudulent consciousness. Reprobate anti-Christian vomit.
Sallie Borrink
More from Jen Hatmaker. I have a lot to say about this when I get the chance. I’m putting it here so I don’t forget.
Click over to Gab to read and watch.
Sallie Borrink
We discussed Jen Hatmaker almost exactly 10 years ago in this post. She was already falling away then. And here we are now.