This weekly update is coming late in the evening because we had a fun day of visiting with my parents. The weather was nice so they came into town to spend the day with us. Due to a lot of factors, we hadn’t seen them in a few months so it was nice for all of us to reconnect.
So as I’m sitting down to update these goals, I’m curious to see how I did as well. It’s been kind of an odd week the past week so I’m not sure how I did.
Goal 1: Have 20 minutes of Bible, prayer, and quiet time each day.
- Bible every day, prayer every day. No dedicated quiet time every day.
Goal 2: Read 20 books.
- I have a reading tickler list page that I continue to update. I finished A Sweet Girl Graduate. I am currently working my way through Curious Unschoolers: Stories of an Unschooling Family, Only Ten Cents, Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best, and Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business.
Goal 3: Write 20 personal letters and send via snail mail.
- I sent one this week so I am up to 5/20 for the year.
Goal 4: Clean out, label, and organize 20 years worth of digital photos.
- Did not work on this goal this week.
Goal 5: Lose 20 pounds.
- Did not check
Goal 6: Lose 20 inches
- Did not measure
Goal 7: Walk 200 miles.
- Have not started
Goal 8: Go on one bookstore/coffee shop night out each quarter as a family.
- No
Goal 9: Find 20 new EoE-friendly foods and/or recipes for myself.
- Nothing new to report so I’m still 0/20.
Goal 10: Clear out the basement once and for all and finally have a crafting area I can use.
- Worked on this a bit this week
Goal 11: Increase our family income by 40%.
- Ongoing goal
Goal 12: Reduce our family debt by 20%.
- Ongoing goal
Goal 13: Create 100 new products for my shop.
- David and I spent a lot of time updating a series of products, but I haven’t had time to upload them. So I will add them next week after they are all in my shop. But I did spend a lot of time on this goal.
Goal 14: Pin 10 posts, pages, or products from my site to my Pinterest boards 3 days a week.
- This did not happen this week.
Goal 15: Add 20 new pieces of content to the forums each week.
- I’m sure I did this, but I’m not going to take the time to count.
Goal 16: Learn how to process and watermark photos for my site.
- Not this week
Goal 17: Create 1 product all by my big self (as little Caroline would say).
- Not yet
Goal 18: Add 20 unit study posts to my site.
- No new ones so still 1/20 done.
Goal 19: Record and release 10 podcast episodes.
- None yet so 0/10
Goal 20: Leave 10 comments each week on other blogs.
- No. I only left one. This one troubles me because I truly would like to do this, but I’m finding it difficult to work in. So I am 1/50. This is very bad. LOL! I have a lot of ground to make up.
So I made some progress on some and no progress on others. That’s why they are goals for the entire year.
Did you set goals for 2020? It’s a long year so there is still plenty of time to set a few goals. You don’t have to do 20 like I did. Pick a few and work on them all year. If you have some goals, let me know how it is going in the comments below.
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