If you remember correctly, I was very excited when Obama was elected because even though I thought he was a terrible choice for President, at least it finally meant free health care! I was even willing to wait until March for the free stuff to kick in because, you all know, I’m a reasonable person and such. Even a messiah takes a little time to get things rolling.
Well, I had to send out my insurance payment recently and \’m feeling a little miffed that I’m still paying for my own insurance and my mortgage. And it’s a good thing I didn’t go out on a limb with Obama and buy a car with a payment because I’d still be paying for that as well.
(Sarcasm off)
I have to say that as low as my expectations were for him as president, he has surprised even me by how poorly he has done already. I guess somewhere in the back of my hard core realist mind there is a small part that clings to hope and idealism. Maybe I had some tiny glimmer of hope that he would actually accomplish something.
That light went out several weeks ago.
I’m sure most people have seen this clip, but can you IMAGINE if a Republican or Libertarian or Constitution Party (or insert other non-left party here) person went on 60 Minutes and LAUGHED about the mess we are in? That someone in the media actually asked him if he was “punch drunk”? This is the leader of the rapidly becoming not the free world.
I still can’t decide if the man is just truly clueless and totally in over his head or just too wrapped up in himself and where he is to realize the gravity of what is going on. The whole thing is so bizarre I can’t even wrap my mind around it yet.
Could the man at least TRY to act presidential instead of merely narcissistic?
Yuck it up, funny man! *rolls eyes*
In all fairness to him, I don’t think he was able to bring his teleprompter to this interview…
He makes HUGE mistakes and gaffes everyday. It’s becoming beyond ridiculous.
He acts like Jr Senator rather than a President.
Can you imagine if Bush or McCain had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympians?
Sallie @ a quiet simple life
I came up with this analogy while I was not posting about political stuff. I especially thought about it after reading that I’m Maureen Dowd and I’ve Been Had article I linked to a week or so ago.
I think a lot of Obama supporters were like a woman who desperately wants to be married. And she so much wants to be married that she finds a man who is acceptable, but makes him out to be much more than he really is. Not to get all psychobabble here, but she projects onto him that which she WANTS him to be, not what he actually IS. I would guess most of us know women who have done this (or perhaps we even did it with men we dated in the past).
I think this is clearly what happened with Obama. Rather than looking at who he actually was and what his record said about him, people latched onto him, thinking all sorts of things that HAD to be true about him.
Now it is the morning after the wedding and the old man isn’t quite what the bride imagined him to be. 😯
He’s merely the puppet figurehead of a group of elitest liberals who have been drooling to experimentally makeover America for a longtime. He’s smart, no doubt, but he’s not really in charge.
I think he’s so overwhelmed and out-of-touch with what’s really going on that his attempts to be cool and make us feel “calmer” in the face of all this adversity come across making him look like an insensitive jerk. To me, he seems to be spending more time chasing celebrity than really acting as the leader of our country. He’s snubbed quite a few of our allies as of late. If Sarah Palin was considered dangerous because she was “inexperienced” and came across a certain way, what is wrong with the voters in this country to put a man like Barack Obama into power? Were we that desperate?
I was shocked to hear that he’d written a letter to Jacques Chirac instead of Sarkozy.
And then there is all the “minor” military testing of us right now that the MSM is not reporting. . . The rest of the world sees what’s going on, and our enemies are going to be emboldened. I guess this is what Biden was warning us about those few months back.
I’m not going to lie. When I see that someone has a Obama/Biden sticker on their vehicle or that they voted for Obama, my opinion of them is lessened. I know it sounds judgmental, but it’s how I feel.
Jo Anne
Hold on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride (old Betty Davis line). I do not see how it is possible to recover from the choices Obama and our National elected officials have made. That he takes our adversity so lightly reveals his heart, and his character.
A friend and I were discussing this the other day. He does not act presidential at all. Even the way he slouches in his chair when he is meeting with officials! I agree with Jo Anne: his heart and character are definitely revealed by his actions. 🙁
I really believe he is accomplishing everything he and his minions have set out to do – systematically and swiftly destroying capitalism and a free society. It is truly terrifying to watch day by day.
I greatly dislike Obama and what he stands for. My husband got my two-year-old son to say “Obama” at the table as a joke, and I told him I’d rather he taught him a swear word. I’m not sure if I mean that or not. Regardless, I’m not happy. But… I looked at the clip on your site, and I’m not sure I would’ve taken his laughter quite that way. He was laughing about the fact that Americans don’t want to give money to American car manufacturers, and I could see that as funny, too, especially given the number of people I know that hate their Ford Freestars with a deep and abiding passion. Do I think what he and the Democrats are doing right now is absolutely appalling? Yes. But do I think that video in and of itself says much one way or the other about him? Not really… His actions or lack of them say much more to me than that particular snippet. If you really want to talk about stupid gaffes, lets talk about his Special Olympics comment on Jay Leno. Now THAT’S a prime example of why a sitting president should never, ever, ever go on a late night talk show…
I think all of the above are awesome and true. The longer he is in office, the more I am thankful I trust in a sovereign God who holds this world in the palm of his hand. I think he is incredibly full of himself…evident in the fact that every week I turn around and he is having another prime time address or interview.
I too have tried to like him and sincerely wished him well; afterall it is OUR country that is either going to prosper or suffer under his “rule.”
However, a couple months in and I’m shamelessly disappointed. I think if you talked to most normal, average joe and jane folks, they would tell you the same thing if they could keep emotion out of it.
Let’s hope we have a turn for the better or just one term of this mess!
Sallie @ a quiet simple life
I have to admit I had to look up the Special Olympics thing because I have cut way back on following the stuff and missed that one. Tacky to say the least.
But if we want to talk tacky…. How about that impressive gift to Gordon Brown? I literally felt sick to my stomach when I read the amazingly thoughtful and meaningful gifts that Brown gave to Obama and then read what Obama gave him. Can you say totally classless? I felt like I needed to write to a UK newspaper and apologize for our clueless, tacky, classless leader. 😳 😳 😳 CAN HE REALLY BE THAT STUPID!??!?!??!?!? 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯
I gotta go walk on the treadmill. I’m getting too worked up again.
Most of the left-wing bloggers that I read still seem to be in the honeymoon phase with Obama. I definitely experience some cognitive dissonance when I read about how cool they think the Obamas are, and how relieved they are that he was elected. I can’t help but wonder where they are getting their news from.
I’m with homeschooler. He is truly terrifying.
Sallie, did you know that PM Brown is nearly blind? That makes the gifts even more insensitive. Yeah, Obama’s battin’ a thousand.
I see the EU is not happy with Obama’s little teleprompter reading last night. Well, it wasn’t so much the teleprompter (a distraction at this point) but the economic proposals that bothered them.
I think of all these folks who voted for Obama because they were sick of foreigners hating Americans because of Bush. Ha. They kept saying they felt like they had to apologize to these foreigners for Bush’s leadership. What do we say to them now? We’re sorry we squandered our votes and power on this guy Obama?? The people of this country aren’t even going to be able to bail out ourselves. . . How are we going to bail out the rest of the hurting world? Again, I am praying that I will not look down my long nose forever at anyone who voted for Obama. It is my weakness – sad to say.
And I read those Hollywood videos that Obama gave Brown were also the wrong region, so Brown couldn’t even watch them if he wanted to.
(I keep re-reading an article by Billy Graham Proclaiming Christ’s Return. I recommend it for Christians – those who voted for Obama and those who did not. It’s a good reminder to get busy sharing the Good News and to remember that our Hope&Change is in Christ, not some mere human being.)
Sallie, I get so worked up. . . I’d better stop or you’re going to ban me from the blog! : )
Just got around to watching that video clip.
So bizarre. He definitely recovers his composure, but it’s almost like he was so nervous, like a nervous laugh or something.
Gallows humor is right.
Sallie Borrink
This post makes so much more sense in 2023. None of it made sense then because most of us had not fathomed the level of evil we were dealing with then and still are fifteen years later.