One of the mistakes we often make is not realizing the long game of those who wish to enslave us. Because we don’t desire to intentionally control or do harm to others, we don’t think that way. And because we don’t wish to rule the world, we don’t spend time contemplating that others might. It all seems highly improbable to us. A conspiracy theory we shouldn’t waste our time on.
But there are people who do wish to control people and rule the world. In their desire to do so, they play the very long game. By very long game I don’t mean a year or two. We’re talking decades of careful planning and execution. If you find that hard to imagine, that is why they are able to use it against us. I will admit that I underestimated the sheer evil working in the world right now. I did.
The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is such an example of playing the long game. Their all-encompassing global agenda can be boiled down to one of their favorite catch phrases:
“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”
Did you know the WEF was founded in 1971? They didn’t suddenly spring out of nowhere. Klaus Schwab and his minions have been methodically working their plans my entire life. We are just now seeing the culmination of it with their well-placed WEF Young Global Leaders in positions of power throughout the world. Who do you think ran the lockdowns in the most punitive countries? They were almost all WEF Young Global Leaders alumni.
There are a number of ways this agenda has been advanced in recent decades. Let’s take a brief look at a few of them.
People have been encouraged to be rootless. In fact, it’s touted as a beneficial way of living today. Think of the messages we’ve been bombarded with.
- Family roots aren’t important. Send a text or card when you can, but being around family all the time isn’t a priority.
- Get out of the town where you grew up and explore the world while you are young. Almost every place is better than where you are now.
- Changing jobs and moving all over the country (or the world) during your twenties and into your thirties is completely normal. You don’t need to settle down or make lasting relationships. There is time for that later. Now is the time to move and advance your career. People are just stepping stones to the next advancement.
Have you ever wondered where the push for minimalism came from over the past few decades? Why was it pushed? What was the long-term goal?
Minimalism wasn’t something that just happened. Here are some key beliefs related to minimalism that have been pushed hard for the past 10-20 years.
- Don’t buy a house because it’s too much trouble to sell it when you move every few years.
- It’s easier to buy cheap furniture and disposable items when you move a lot.
- You especially don’t want to get weighed down by anything your parents or grandparents might have owned. (And why would you want something owned by old people? Eww.)
Marriage and Children
This assault has been obvious to anyone paying attention.
- Marriage isn’t necessary and will just hold you back. Besides men are bums and women are conniving witches. Why get tied down to one when you can simply spend your time swiping in an app and moving on when necessary?
- If you think you must marry, make sure you have plenty of fun before you tie yourself down. Don’t worry about how it might impact your soul and body. Don’t be a prude.
- Children are an annoying burden that get in your way. And besides, no one can afford to raise them.
- If you must have children, don’t do it until you are well-established financially and can afford all the trappings of upper middle class parenthood.
- Don’t worry about that ticking fertility timebomb. Science can do anything today!
Gray Paint Everywhere
In addition, I’m going to throw out there the widespread push to paint everything around you with gray. Here are a few comments about gray.
Gray is a dull, moody, and sad color that affects the mind and body by causing unsettling feelings. Too much gray creates feelings of sadness and depression. It also evokes feelings of loneliness and isolation. Since gray is neither black nor white, it’s usually thought of as the transition between two non-colors.
Answered By: Alejandro Morris Date: created: Sep 13 2022
Source: Do Gray Walls Cause Depression?
Another person’s thoughts about gray
February 3, 2022 at 4:02 PM
Nancy Turner says:Gray. The color of prisons, dirty sidewalks, concrete, driveways, and death. I’m house shopping and everything I see I have to add $10,000 to the price to have the gray painted out.
One more
Gray is a dull, moody, and sad color that affects the mind and body by causing unsettling feelings. Too much gray creates feelings of sadness and depression. It also evokes feelings of loneliness and isolation.
I have noticed that when I call I want my life and home more simplistic, people will say I am a minimalist. I actually don’t call myself a minimalist. Just wish life were simpler instead of complicated. Some complications are just life, others can be of my own making. I can make my life easier or complicated by my own inaction or action.
BTW, I love the vintage items and items from parents etc. Sentimentalism and I love antiques. Its a wonderful part of remembering them and a part of family history.
Thanks for sharing this!
Sallie Borrink
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