Thanks to my first trimester energy drain, I am so far behind on my blog reading it is actually becoming quite embarrassing! I just found out tonight that I won an award back in February and didn’t even know it!
And not only did I win a Jeana Likes Me Blog Award, it was the award with the longest name! How cool is that!
Thanks, Jeana, for the “First Blog I Read Regularly with No Ulterior Motives of Learning to Save Money, but Just Because I Like Her” Award.
Although I have to say that I may make it my goal for next year to win one of the awards I didn’t win: “I Need Depends in Order to Navigate Her Blog”. 😀
congrats! i’ve yet to win any blogger awards. I will have to be content knowing that I’ve *commented* on Winner’s blog pages. heh heh
Hope you are feeling well!
Congrats on your award[s]! 🙂
Have a good day tomorrow.
Your welcome!
Elizabeth B
I’ve got a good site for you if you’re up to more online “getting out:” Get Organized Now. The ladies (and 1 or 2 guys) there at the forums have great tips for getting organized with or without kids. I’d read up before you go through the first few tough months with a baby. There are lots of Christian ladies there, my favorite commentors are BonnieS and Elizabeth Stewart Clark (although I’m not sure if the latter is a Christian or a Morman, her ideas are helpful.) There are lots of good ideas for simplifying and making your space work for you. Plus, they might have some good ideas about where to put your nursery. There was also a good thread a while back about what you need in a diaper bag. I’m not naturally organized, so the ideas and motivation are helpful for me.
ooooh! That was me!!
Congratulations! Did you see the cool award button-y yhing that Lauren made?
Congrats to you. And if pregnancy is the reason you are behind on your blog reading I’m all for it.