What does it mean to be a gifted woman? What does it mean to be a twice-exceptional gifted woman? Gifted isn’t being smart and getting good grades. Gifted isn’t necessarily about being very good at something. Giftedness is a neurological condition that impacts every aspect of a person’s life.
Giftedness presents people with a unique set of opportunities and struggles because it typically places them out of the mainstream of society. If you add being a wmoan to the mix, it becomes even more complicated. Being a gifted yet “eccentric” or “different” man has its place in our society. Being a gifted yet “eccentric” or “different” woman? Potential problems galore.
Gifted Women in Our Home
I’ve mentioned before that my giftedness was not a huge hindrance to me in school. My overexcitability is intellectual so it worked in a traditional high school setting. I was also so focused on my own life and the pursuit of the almighty 4.0 that I think I was oblivious to things that in retrospect should have bothered me.
I’m now the mother of a twice-exceptional gifted daughter who is not overly academically inclined in the traditional school-ish sense. She loves to learn and is incredibly imaginative. But she’s not (at this point) looking like the put your head down and plow your way to academic achievements type kid.
It’s made me think a lot about what it means to parent and homeschool a gifted daughter.? And what does it mean to parent a gifted daughter who does not seem interested in the traditional path?
Gifted Women and Their Stories
I put out a request in a couple of groups for gifted women to share their stories. Each story is unique, but there is definitely overlap.
Giftedness is often much less about academic success and much more about how our neurological differences shape our emotions, our relationships, and how we interact with those around us.
It’s also, sadly, often about how those around us choose not to interact with us as gifted women.
I hope you will find these stories enlightening, thought-provoking and encouraging!
All The Posts In The Series
- Gifted/2e Women – A Series of Personal Stories
- Gifted, Depressed, and Embracing Individuality – Julia’s Story
- Giftedness, Loneliness, and Faith – Christy’s Story
- Gifted, Different, and Imposter Syndrome – Vanessa’s Story
- Gifted/2e, Stealth Dyslexia, and a Mother’s Support – Nicole’s Story
- Discovering Giftedness as an Adult – Mary’s Story
- Embracing Multipotentiality as a Gifted Adult – Heather’s Story
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