It’s hard to believe this much time has passed and many Americans still have no idea about the overlapping details of the Whitmer kidnapping plot and January 6th. Tucker Carlson lays them out in the embedded video below. Please watch it and share this post with others. It’s appalling that people don’t understand many of the details.
For the record, sharing this video is not an endorsement of all the content. I disagree with several opinions Tucker shares, but I’m sharing this to help get the facts out.
If you want to read more coverage, I did a search on Revolver News for “whitmer kidnap” and it pulls up lots of stories: Whitmer kidnap. You don’t have to take Tucker’s word for it. Take 15 minutes and read more yourself from other non-MSM sources. We have not been told the entire story. Huge parts are missing about both the Whitmer case and January 6.
If you are new to my website or just waking up about what is happening in our country, I’ve been doing podcasts for months. If you go through these, you will be better informed than a significant portion of Americans. Start with the first one and work your way forward while you clean, work in the kitchen, etc.
If we are going to preserve the Republic for our children and grandchildren, we must have a well-informed, intelligent citizenry. It starts with you and me.
Deb Rogner
I am trying to find one of Mike Lindell’s videos on the election. The one with the introduction by Phil Waldron. Can you help?
Sallie Borrink
Hi Deb,
Check this post and see if it is there.