I have previously posted about the movement of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) abandoning the preaching of the Gospel in favor of woke ideology that is contrary to the Scriptures. That was in the post Cru (Formerly Campus Crusade For Christ) Going Woke, Communist (!?!). I have a new update today that includes both a video and multiple articles on Cru going woke and abandoning the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation in favor of Marxist ideology.
The Evidence Cru’s Gone Woke
This is from Jon Harris at the Conversations That Matter podcast.
Three Articles on Cru Going Woke from The Capstone Report
Cru chose Critical Race Theory over Christian unity
A report prepared by at least 350 members of Cru for review by top organization leadership details how racial divisions and hurt feelings were the result of Cru’s Social Justice emphasis. The most important Cru trainings stressed that ethnic identity trumped Christian identity. These approaches were rooted within a framework of Critical Race Theory, which pervaded the organization.
Cru trainings promote anti-white, anti-American rhetoric
According to a bombshell internal report prepared by conservative ministry workers at Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, Cru required intensive staff trainings with radical Woke readings and exercises that promoted an anti-White-American rhetoric that polarized and radicalized staff and students. A clear anti-Donald Trump politics was presented by Cru trainers, according to the Seeking Clarity and Unity report. The internal report was prepared by conservative Cru staff.
According to one account contained in the report, “I found the underlying [and ongoing, yet very subtle] anti-white-American rhetoric to be very polarizing and incendiary. This was confusing, especially if the desired goal is to obtain ‘unity’ and ‘oneness.’”
ANALYSIS: The political & theological merge in Cru report on Critical Race Theory
The internal Cru report, Seeking Unity & Clarity on Critical Race Theory within Cru, the formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, illustrates the intersection of politics and theology. Power and identity are connected to both politics and theology.
People have identities. It is a fact of the modern world, as Political Scientist Francis Fukuyama explains in his book Identity. The question is not if someone has an identity but what is that identity. Identities can be helpful and wholesome or identities can be corrosive and balkanizing.
Cru chose balkanization over unity in Christ.
There are multiple posts on my site under the tag CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
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