I’m assuming everyone reading this post is familiar by now with what happened at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Even Archbishop Vigano weighed in today with a special word about the “wives” of Emanuel Macron and Barack Obama. Yes, he really went there. In fact, it was seeing his letter that told me now was the time to write this post.
You see, all of this affords me the opportunity to bring forth the memes and screenshots I’ve purposefully held back until the right time. These are items that would have been summarily dismissed by many people only a short time ago. Consider what we have witnessed happening to children in our country the past four years, Jeffrey Epstein, what happened at the Olympics, and what Archbishop Vigano said as you read these.
At the end, I’ll add a short video and link to some relevant posts on my website.
The following are all related to the topic at hand. I encourage you to take the time to click through to each one. Read the posts I’ve written over the past four years. I have loads of research and posts under News that explain to you why I came to the conclusions I did.
And realize there is a reason why I have a website category called Psychological Warfare with over 50 posts in it. You are living it and have been marinating in it basically your entire life.
Why Would President Trump Retruth This Q+ Meme of Himself?
Watch this video and then read this lengthy post, especially things related to the video in the second half: President Trump Re-Truthed Video of Q-Themed Memes Overnight
My posts tagged Pizzagate (Don’t be put off by the word. The press has conditioned people to completely dismiss this. Read the posts I have there and then tell me you still think it is false.)
My posts tagged Disney
Sallie Borrink
Do you know why every psyop and story falls apart so quickly now? The attempted assassination? The opening ceremony?
Because of what the Q operation did. It trained a group of American citizens how to dig for information and store it offline who then turned around and trained even more American citizens. Forget about the weirdo cousin you know who told you all kinds of wild things. That’s not what it was. It was a training operation to harness the abilities of Americans. We now have hundreds of thousands of citizen journalists who know exactly how to dig for information, capture information before it disappears (such as the opening ceremony that is being scrubbed from the internet), etc.
Think how quickly citizen journalists were able to dig into the attempted assassination. The MSM no longer controls the narrative. Everyone has a phone. Everyone has access to the internet. People on Twitter were able to quickly start putting the pieces together in 24-48 hours.
This changes the trajectory of everything that happens. That was one of the main points of the entire operation.
Sallie Borrink
It’s all related.
Abortion – How did I miss this connection all these years?
Sallie Borrink
It’s called predictive programming, revelation of the method, etc. They always telegraph what they are going to do. They believe that if they tell you what they are going to do, you are consenting to it.
Sallie Borrink
If it hasn’t been scrubbed, look up the 2012 opening ceremony on CensorTube. It is FULL of covid pandemic imagery. In 2012.
Sallie Borrink
This one thing woke a lot of people up.
Sallie Borrink
But I’m sure the rest of our history is exactly as we have been told. Right?
Sallie Borrink
Happening all over all weekend…
Sallie Borrink
It’s all related.
A Fight to the Death
Sallie Borrink
It’s all related.
Good vs. Evil, Child Sacrifice – Tucker Carlson at Heritage Foundation
Sallie Borrink
It’s all related.
Sallie’s Rebuilding America • Episode 11
Sallie Borrink
From the comments in my Instagram post. Putting it here as well. From just over a year ago.