Some Christians believe the Bible teaches women are more easily deceived and that this is a permanent condition on earth. Because this teaching is rooted in the garden, they believe it is for all time (including today). David and I have not been inclined to take that interpretation for reasons I won’t get into here. However, the events of the past month (driven overwhelmingly by hysterical and/or uninformed women, especially young white women) have made me pause and wonder if there really is something to this. I’m not joking. I’m dead serious about this.
“Christian” Women Leading Others Astray
The Southern Baptist Convention is in serious trouble on many fronts. (I’m Baptist, but have never been SBC so I’m looking at this as an outsider.) They aren’t just headed down the slippery slope. The leadership seems like they are greasing the slip-and-slide to make it move faster than ever.
It has been stunning even to me how many Big Name Evangelicals have raced to embrace ideas that are clearly in contradiction to the historic Christian faith. The term “faithful remnant” is starting to become more and more real to me.
I never looked into Progressive Christianity in any depth because it was just so obviously wrong. With all that has developed this month, I did a lot of reading and listening to podcasts to get to the bottom of it. Good grief. It’s flat out a different religion. Progressive Christianity and Wokeness are not the historical Christian faith.
I am sickened by the Big Name “Christian” Women who are leading so many astray. The stuff coming out from people who claim to follow Christ is just unbelievably wrong. Like opposite of truth wrong.
Vision Forum and others who ran in those circles got some things wrong, but they were so right about some of them. They constantly hammered on the Marxism and Feminism connection. They were absolutely right. It is so unfortunate that their sounding the alarm about something absolutely true was discredited because of other things that happened. They took some of the things they taught a step too far which ultimately undermined their message. But they were sounding the alarm fifteen years ago and now we are in exactly what they said would happen.
I explained at length why I’m not a Christian feminist. Over the past month I’ve felt nudged and pushed more toward the complementarian side of things. There were a couple of things that stood out to me. One, was a comment by a woman from Sheologians on a video. The other was a comment from Alisa Childers. This is usually how it happens. I am immersed in some subject and then one comment – often a bit of a throwaway in the scheme of things – makes things more clear.
The biggest hindrance to complementarianism today is the people who are promoting it. I know that’s a big statement to drop and not back up, but time limits me.
Beth Moore’s Impact
I have never understood the fascination with Beth Moore. Honestly. I did a couple of her studies because the church I was attending had them for the women and I just didn’t get the fawning love. So I found this post quite interesting: What’s My Beef With Beth?
One, it really fit my own experience with Campus Crusade during roughly the same time period. I have no problem believing this story. Two, there were a couple of comments after the post that really zeroed in for me on what has always concerned me about Beth Moore, but I never took the time to analyze in-depth. When I read them I was like, “Yes! That’s it!”
Her “ministry” appeals to the women who have a need to “belong”.
Well, that explained that. I’ve never been a “gotta be part of the popular girls club.”
Twitter has definitely illuminated the snarky, rebellious, elitist side of her. What many women do not realize is that Beth isn’t promoting a relationship with God, she’s promoting HER relationship with God. She needs to feel special. To feel she has a relationship with God everyone wants. And she’ll let you into her and God’s club if you’ll admire her.
Tragically, I think many of the women who follow her believe that lie without realizing it.
I think those observations are spot on and insightful.
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