Happy Wednesday! I hope your June has been a lovely month so far. I can scarcely believe that we are half way through the month. Wasn’t it just Memorial Day weekend?
I never sent out a newsletter last week. I planned on it and then it got later and later in the week as I tried to finish up things I wanted to write about. I finally decided it was going to be a week without a newsletter. Since it’s summer I’m going to cut myself some slack in some areas. By way of follow-up to last week’s Simple Living This Week No. 72 post, Caroline and I managed to get out of our homeschool funk. I think it is more lockdown funk than anything. In any case, we seem to have moved out of at least some of it.
Sometimes I feel like I should give up on trying to write blogging type posts here and just create informative content. I enjoy seeing what other people do in their homes and looking at their pictures. But it’s kind of hard to blog about thinking things and how I spend my working time.
- “Here’s a picture of me contemplating the thorny problems of this topic.”
- “Oh and here is me sitting at my desk working on a forum upgrade project for ten hours.”
- “Check out this picture of me updating products, product descriptions, and images.”
- “Here is me watching a CensorTube video on the issues facing this other topic.”
- “This is a great one as I scan Gab and Telegram for the best info to share in my Locals group.”
It’s just not the same as showing the latest knitting project or flowers grown or food cooked.
So sometimes I feel like I write the same kinds of things here each week. They tend to be kind of not very exciting. And yet they are the things that make up my life. A huge part of Simple Living for our family is having a Home Business so that’s what I spend a lot of time doing. So that’s what I write about. Maybe women who blog about their meals and what they did around the home also feel like they write about the same things over and over again. They probably do.
Actually I think it’s a lot about how routine life has become. We haven’t been anywhere outside of our metro area in two years. It’s not like we are big travelers anyway, but the mundaneness of it all is starting to wear on me. David and I have done a good job of remaining focused over the past many months, but the never-ending groundhog day-ness of it is starting to wear on all of us. It would do us good to take a few weeks or the summer off from so much, but that isn’t an option. So we get up and keep going each day. I remind myself that most people in history lived in the mundane and routine.
I’ve been working on a new project lately. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I’ve been contemplating a new project for over a year but haven’t moved on it. I purchased the domain as part of my working through Income School’s Project 24, but told myself I had to finish other things before I could start something else. I’ve just about completed the other things like updating all the products in my shop. So I decided I could start my other project. It is at the very beginning stages. As in the very beginning. It has a logo and a layout. No content. The content is all in my head and written in lists. But it will be there in the coming months. Here it is.
Pansy World
I’m looking forward to working on it!
What is going on in your home? I hope you’ll leave a comment and share.
Artwork: My Lady is a Widow and Childless by Marcus Stone
Hello Sallie;
I understand your thoughts on the mundane (common, ordinary).
I too felt that I was repeating myself when I added my thoughts to your weekly todo/done posts and no one would care. Common, ordinary, mundane people like myself don’t attract the attention of the world like those that are bold/loud/dominating. God didn’t call me to be such a person. He called me to follow Him, live a simple life, and leave the big things to Him. It is a wonderful place to be!
I enjoy what you share each day. Your forum section is hard reading and viewing but helps me renew my commitment to God, Family, and Home. These three are my spiritual medicine in life.
Hi Birdie,
I always enjoy hearing what other women are doing in their homes. I’ve not done a good job of responding to comments lately and I apologize for that.
Feel free to add uplifting content to the forums. I specifically created an entire section called “Uplifting” just for that specific purpose. We all are in need of it!
Thank you for encouraging me with your comment. Truly.
I enjoy your everyday posts because it helps me to feel grounded and that just doing the same thing over and over is not so strange. 😉
Unfortunately (?), we have not had any groundhog day feelings round here lately! It seems that everyday brings some new change in the works for us. We finally got the house listed and had an accepted offer within a week. The exciting (?!) part is that I still have no idea where to even look for a new house. My husband has been invited to present at a university in a nearby state and with that may come a job offer that he would likely accept. Now that our house is on the way to not being ours any more, I have moved on to my parents’ home and started the purging there. Because they have had movers do the packing for them in the past 3-4 moves, there was NO purging or organization, so I am finding boxes with papers and catalogs from the 1990’s that they have moved from place to place without ever even opening again. That’s not going to happen again!
In any case, it is a good exercise in patience and trusting in the Lord to provide. I know that we are within His will for caring for my parents, so the perfect house in the right place will show up just when we need it and no sooner. 🙂
Hi Amanda,
It sounds like you have your hands full with lots to do! Keep us posted on your husband’s job situation. I trust God will work it out for your best.
I’ve heard similar stories of people moving boxes and never opening them as they moved from place to place. I can’t quite imagine doing that, but I know it’s more common than we think!
It will be fun to hear what the Lord provides in terms of a new home for you all!
We went camping at a nearby park last weekend, which was a lot of work, but we did have a very nice time. There were lots of fireflies!
We have also had a string of birthdays.
I laughed when I read what you wrote about the difficulty of writing about the things that you actually spend your time doing. I’ve just had the same problem, as I was trying to figure out how to write a story where most of the “action” was reading and thinking.
Hi Peggy,
Oh, I love watching fireflies! We have them here at this house and we didn’t in the city. It’s a nice bonus now.
You completely understand my “how do I show my productivity” problem. LOL!