Our little family is hoping to enjoy a boring week. Monday was boring and normal. Yay for normal and boring! Well, as normal and boring as life can be in the midst of Christmas and history defining events in your country and the world. But we did school, did work, and did normal stuff. That’s what we’re hoping for all week. Normal and boring.
There is still plenty happening and I’ll share a few bits today.
Prayer Requests
I shared two prayer requests a few weeks ago. I think one was resolved last week. I won’t know for sure for three to six months, but it is as resolved as it can be at the moment. The other prayer request is for someone else’s needs this week. Please pray for wisdom for everyone involved and a good outcome. Thank you.
Visiting Maramureș and a Romanian Village
In closing, I wanted to share this lovely video. I could have put it in my (neglected) forum, but wanted to share this here so people can enjoy it. (The video picture is really misleading. I don’t know why she chose that picture and wording other than for click bait.)
How much we have lost in this world when we abandoned the idea of belonging to a real community where you are known and valued. Whether it is where you live, where you worship, or where you work – we have lost so much in our movement to massive and basically anonymous organizations rather than true communities where we are each valuable, contributing individuals.
I wrote about this many years ago in The Loss of Real Communities.
This is one of the reasons I’ve always sought to develop a community with whatever I’ve done online. It’s not the same as real communities in real life, but it is one small thing I can do to make this huge world seem a little smaller and draw wonderful people together.
What is going on in your home this week? I hope you’ll leave a comment!
Artwork: “The Mirror” by Albert Chevalier Tayler
We’ve finally started in with Christmas music and decorating. Our church gave us an Advent calendar book by Ann Voskamp that has a big pop-up tree and little ornaments.
A couple of weeks ago, we were able to drive past a huge display of Christmas lights set up at the state fairgrounds, before they put barriers up to block them from being seen from the street. I was reminded of it reading the newspaper supplement yesterday. The admission price is $46 per vehicle for a half-hour driving tour, so I’m glad we were able to see them as we did.
The baby is starting on solid food now. He made a nonverbal argument and convinced me that since he was born more than a week late, that he should start on solid food a week early.
We purchased our tree and put it up on Monday. We will be adding the lights soon and then decorating it. We are going to decorate the windows this week. We are continuing to wrap our gifts. We want to avoid -he last minute rush on Christmas Eve. We have our Advent candles out,too. We finished decorating the outside. Hope you and yours are feeling fine.
Marilyn.Joan,and Marion
Ticia Messing
I’m amused all of the updates from your site came through on my feed reader on Monday.
I find the thumbnails chosen for YouTube videos very weird sometimes. Very weird.
We bought our Christmas tree last night, we’ve opted for an artificial tree since we have to put it upstairs away from the dog.