Is it ironic that I’m writing about the power of a simplified homeschool life a day late? Kind of. But there’s still a story to be told and a lesson to be learned.
A Simplified Homeschool Life
When I started this series on homeschool encouragement, I wanted to have all ten days finished before it went live. I didn’t. I was a few days ahead at the start, but still doing some writing.
Last evening, I sat down to finish up numerous things but I could not access my site, write anything in my dashboard, nothing. My website hosting would not let me do anything because they were throttling my site. In other words, I had used too much of the hosting resources and they were punishing me because of it – despite the fact that we are paying for “unlimited” resources. (It was frustrating and also the last straw. Time to make a major switch with our hosting.)
However, it was not the end of the world. We still all went to bed on time. We all got fed. Our evening routine mostly stayed the same despite our frustrations and figurative head banging on our desks.
In other words, life went on.
That is the power of a simplified life.
If our life had been packed to the max, something like this would have completely derailed our family life. But because we leave a lot of margin in our lives for the expected unexpected events, they are an inconvenience, but not devastating. Because we keep margin in our simplified life, we could drop pretty much everything else this morning and spend it researching hosting and talking with reps on the phone.
The same principle applies to homeschooling.
Simplify For Homeschool Freedom
When you simplify, you give yourself freedom.
When you put margin in your schedule, you can deal with the crises that will come without them overwhelming your life.
The unexpected becomes an inconvenience, but doesn’t derail your life.
Remember the real phases of the homeschool year? Things like the flu, bad weather, and so on? They are going to come. Plan on the unexpected. Give yourself enough margin to make adjustments and keep rolling. Be willing to say no to homeschool pressures from others.
If your homeschool plans for the coming year are like a tightly choreographed death march (as my friend, Peggy, once described her holiday season) then you are setting yourself and your family up for much grief.
Instead, discover the relief of a simplified homeschool life.
Now, I’m off to simplify my life even more by finding better web hosting.
I hope you will download this free lovely printable pack that accompanies this series. Each page in the pack coordinates with one of the posts in this series. Keep them in your planning notebook or somewhere else to remind you of the truth about the homeschooling journey.
Beautiful Products In My Shop
The Lifetime Pass$97.00
Cottage Rose & Sage Editable Homeschool Planner for March 2024 – June 2025$9.95
Black & White Floral Editable Homeschool Planner for March 2024 – June 2025$9.95
Daisies & Gingham Editable Homeschool Planner for March 2024 – June 2025$9.95
10 Days of Homeschool Encouragement – Printables from the Series$0.00
WOW! Â Expect the unexpected. Â Leave margin. Â Great encouragement that we all need to heed more often.
Dana Wilson
Hi Sallie!
I so agree about leaving margin and living a simple life, especially while homeschooling. Â There are just so many minutes in the day and if we pack our days so tight the unexpected will ALWAYS mess us up. Â Thanks for your wise reminder!