Happy Monday! I’m writing this morning from my new home office. I say “new” because I’m in here all by myself. David and I have shared an office since the summer I was pregnant with Caroline. At that time in our previous home, David’s office became her bedroom and we’ve shared a small bedroom as an office ever since. This weekend we decided that we would both work better if we changed things up.
Why this decision? Because we came to the conclusion that life as our family knows it right now is going to be like this for quite some time. My poor brain has been desperately working the past two weeks trying to figure out What Comes Next in Our World. It’s not like I’m even sitting down and thinking about it all the time. It’s just what my INFJ brain does constantly in the background as it tries to process the information I take in and look for the patterns (truth seeking and intellectual overexcitability). Last week I came to the conclusion that barring developments unforeseen, our life is going to look like this for many months to come. What do I mean by that? I mean at home virtually all the time, little ability to go out and do things, and choosing not to go out much even if things do open up to a degree.
So some of the great strategies we’ve developed over the years to make sure we function well with the three of us here all the time no longer work. Caroline has no outside activities since they’ve all been cancelled. David and Caroline can’t go out for lunch and craft shopping for a few hours to give me a break and Caroline some “out of the house” time. In addition, after thirteen years David will no longer be an adjunct faculty member at his alma mater so he will no longer be gone a couple of times a week which also gave me an introverted break. I highly doubt Caroline’s summer activities will happen this year. I’m honestly skeptical about outside activities this fall as well.
So we decided to rethink all the areas of our home to make sure they were working for us in our present situation. We decided to change the library and move David’s workspace there. I now have the office to myself. It’s for the best, but it feels very strange.
That’s how we spent the end of last week and the weekend – moving all sorts of things around the house and ordering the things we were going to need for this “new” life so we could either have them delivered or pick them up curbside.
We moved my craft table from the basement to my office. We moved a bookcase from the library to the office so I now have three in here. I have most of my children’s books in the office as well as my books about simple living, homemaking, parenting, homeschooling, and favorite classics. It really is quite cozy and I like it other than it feels very weird to be alone, like I have somehow banished David to another part of the house. That’s not the case and he’s so adaptable that he’s perfectly happy with whatever we decide will work. Even with that thought, it still feels sad and a little weird.
However, David will be far more productive and I will be far more productive if we aren’t sharing an office at this point. That’s just reality.
So my goal for the week is this:
Goal 1 – Finish organizing my office. I have piles of books, homeschooling materials, and craft supplies I still need to get sorted, moved around, and organized. If I only accomplish this, I will be happy.
So what are you working on this week? I hope you’ll share a comment and let us know! There is a large section of homemaking ideas and lists in my shop under All Products for Women.
Have a happy week!
Artwork: “Flessig Appliquee” by Albert Anker
Last week I found some pockets of clutter in our storage that need to be dealt with, so I am focusing on those this week.
I have this about half done now, but I did make progress on several other things, so it was a productive week overall.
I’m working on finishing reorganizing my library, and getting that all put together, which will lead to getting the sewing/school room all put together.
That’s probably going to be the bulk of my time this week, so I have to think through what I want to do in addition to that.
Loved your podcast today! I don’t always agree with you politically, but everything you said today was spot on. I think social distancing needs to continue for quite some time to keep us all safe, and if things reopen, my family will not be venturing out anytime soon. Which is hard because my son is an only child, but like you said, all we can do is make the most of it and enjoy the blessings that come with being home together.
Sallie Borrink
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the video. I truly appreciate it!
We found out this week that one of Caroline’s favorite summer-long activities has already been cancelled. She really looks forward to it due to the people she interacts with there so it was disappointing. I had already warned her that would probably be the case, but it was still sad to hear it was actually true. I hope your only is finding good things to do at home as well.
I’m so sorry for Caroline! So many disappointments for our kids these days…
I am in the process of throwing out a lot of things I had kept. It is in the basement and I need to make space so out most of these things are going in the recycle bag. Stay safe and well.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Marilyn,
I hope your clean out went well and that you are healthy too!
Sue Elvis
We’re all used to working at home together and sharing rooms. When we’re working on our computers and using headphones, we can manage without our own space. But since the pandemic crisis, things aren’t working out as well because my husband needs to make videos for his school class and take part in Zoom conferences with students and teachers. Our only quiet place is our bedroom which isn’t really an appropriate setting for professional purposes! I guess a lot of people are in the same position. Standards are relaxing as we all do as much as we can with what we have. Anyway, maybe we ought to explore ways of rearranging our home too!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Sue,
Good to hear from you! I agree that so many people are making adjustments to make things work. Thankfully most people realize we’re all in this together and are gracious in their flexibility.
I was sorry to read that your girls lost their jobs. I hope the cafe will be able to re-open so they can go back when things calm down a bit.
We’re all just kind of making it up as we go, aren’t we?
Sallie Borrink
I finished my goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
I haven’t finished my goal in weeks. I truly blame the coronavirus situation. I’ve just been off my game. Getting lots of things done, but it’s more like whatever I feel like doing in the moment rather than being a bit more methodical and deliberate.
I’ve also got a lot of brain fog and have needed to see the chiropractor for weeks and just don’t want to go. I think I’m going to have to take my chances and go next week.
I hope everyone else had a good week with whatever you were able to do, even if it was just resting.