Happy Monday! We had a low-key weekend in our home, something all three of us needed. On Saturday, David and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary and 14th anniversary of discovering we were expecting a baby. We are thankful for our blessings.
We also had some unexpected news that is going to impact our family in a fairly significant way. (No, I’m not pregnant.) I’ll share about it at some point, but it’s requiring prayer and thoughtful decision-making.
For this week, I’m going to keep the three goals I only partially finished last week and add one more small one.
Goal 1 – Finish washing up all of the old sheets and research how I would like to repurpose them.
Goal 2 – Continue cleaning out my clothes and shoes, washing things up and organizing.
Goal 3 – Continue organizing and systematizing our digital clip art, papers, borders, stock photos, fonts, etc.
Goal 4 – Clean out and organize baking and coffee cupboards.
What do you have planned for your homemaking week? I hope you’ll share a goal or two in the comments and then come back on Friday to let us know how it went.
If you are new to my site, you can find lots of inspiration in my shop under All Products for Women.
Have a good Monday!
Artwork: “Posing with Posies” by Albert Chevallier Tayler
If you sew, I use old sheets for lining and toiles. That, and I keep a few sets of old sheets around to use for messy crafts.
My goals:
1. actually get that craft closet clean. I totally dropped the ball there last week.
2. Put together the geography study for the three states we’re studying right now.
3. Finish updating my book and a movie post.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Ticia,
I can technically sew as in I learned to sew, know how to use a pattern, have a sewing machine, etc. But it’s not something I do regularly. My perfectionism really holds me back when it comes to sewing because my standards for what it should look like aren’t realistic for my limited abilities. And I don’t have the patience to work on it to become proficient.
Those sound like good goals!
Sewing is a bad place to be a perfectionist; there are so many things that can go wrong!
I didn’t make any goals this week, although I am trying to get to some things that I bought weeks or months ago, and finally put them to use.
Sallie Borrink
I know. That’s why I never took to sewing. I want everything I make to look like it’s bespoke by an expert and I don’t have the talent or patience (or interest) to achieve that level of skill for myself. Seriously. Sewing even a basic garment stresses me out. LOL!
Although, in my own defense, I think if I truly had the luxury of time and money and the space to get into sewing with quality materials, machine, etc. then it might be something I would enjoy. But that’s not been my experience.
Sallie Borrink
Goal 1 – Finish washing up all of the old sheets and research how I would like to repurpose them. DONE with washing. Still researching how I want to use them. I have quite a few of them and most of them are very pretty so I want to think through this.
Goal 2 – Continue cleaning out my clothes and shoes, washing things up and organizing. PROGRESS
Goal 3 – Continue organizing and systematizing our digital clip art, papers, borders, stock photos, fonts, etc. A LOT OF PROGRESS on this one. I feel especially good about what I accomplished here. This is a big job.
Goal 4 – Clean out and organize baking and coffee cupboards. NOT YET. This is going to be one I work on over the weekend as part of checking over my pantry again as I’ve discussed in:
Why You Need a Pantry
Stocking a Pantry – You Need More Food Than You Think
Master Pantry List
First Pantry Step – Clean It Out
So overall I’m pleased with how I did this week.
Ticia Messing
Good job!
On my goals:
1. closet fixing- I’ve made progress, but am not done.
2. State studies for all three states- I got one done, and made progress on the other two, but was held up by not having information from the kids
3. Updating movie post- I didn’t finish it but made significant progress.
Sallie Borrink
Progress is what matters! I seem to set goals that require more than a week to finish. LOL!
Hi Sallie,
I don’t know if you quilt. I’m just beginning, well actually I haven’t begun because I have to finish my newly acquired craft room in our home. Did I just set a goal, lol? Anyway, I’ve noticed that a lot of quilters use old sheets as backing for quilts, or for the patchwork itself. I don’t know how old the sheets are, or if they would qualify as vintage. If so someone may be interested in buying them if you don’t need them for something.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Cheryl,
I’m not a quilter, but I hope you will share what you learn and keep us posted on your new goal.
I was going to say that none of these sheet sets would be considered vintage, but then I stopped to think how old some of them are and now I wonder. LOL! What is vintage? Over 25 years old? I’m not sure what the “official” standard is.
Honestly I am not progressing in my goals. Partly due to needing to rest a lot with pain. However I am super happy I broke the FB distraction. My account permanently deleted yesterday. Don’t miss it at all. Today I do plan to go through a shelf and see what needs to be donated/kept.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Ladypinktulip,
Congratulations on breaking free of the FB distraction. It’s been almost two years for me now. I miss it every once and again. I do feel like I’m “missing out” in some ways. But I don’t plan on going back unless something changes my mind in a significant way.
Do what you can with your goals around your rest. Even a shelf is progress!
I attacked toilet stains with a pumice stone, tried out our new steam cleaner, got through a pile of mending, did some decluttering, and organized several drawers.
Sallie Borrink
Wow! That’s a lot of tasks. I love weeks like that. Congrats!