Listen to what Trump’s lawyer, John Lauro, says in the Twitter embed below. THIS is the goal – subpoena power and the ability to introduce evidence.
I’m watching social media and these new indictments have FINALLY moved the needle for a lot of people.
Watch the Twitter video and then read these: How do you introduce?
Remember that President Trump had access to any information he wanted. If Trump had access to all the information regarding multiple elections via NSA, Space Force, and who knows what else AND he had all the information on the Bidens… Do you honestly think he would walk away in January 2021 and not have a plan in place to protect the country? If he did that, he was derelict in his duties. He would be completely ineligible to be POTUS again. Think some form of devolution and/or continuity of government for all the reasons we’ve discussed over and over and over again the past few years.
If Trump had acted in January 2021, we would have ended up in a literal kinetic civil war.
People are JUST NOW TONIGHT realizing the lengths the opposition will go to in order to stop him from winning in 2024. It’s taking this freaking long for some people to finally get it.
We are JUST NOW TONIGHT to the point where people FINALLY realize we are truly on the precipice of losing our country.
Have faith.
Trump lawyer John Lauro lays it all out 🔥
“He was required to take steps as POTUS to ensure that that election was held in a valid way…
We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas and we will re-litigate every single issue in the 2020 election…”
— TheStormHasArrived (@TheStormRedux) August 2, 2023
Sallie Borrink
Does everyone remember when the Deep State openly admitted what they did?
Just in case you forgot about this nugget…
Sallie Borrink
Here’s another reminder of this…
12 Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results
Sallie Borrink
Amazing. Q drop 3850 makes a whole LOT of sense now. Setting up the situation…
Trump in discovery can now make all the 2020 election issues public. This is bazaar that they would want all this in a trial. What are the next moves on their chessboard with this trial? Just interesting that this could happen. They accuse him of exactly what they are doing. Trump knows that when they are coming after him, they are coming after us.