People might wonder why I bring up some of the topics I do, but I don’t float these out here for no reason. I’m trying to keep us all ahead of the curve. I suggested back in March of this year that you start thinking about your theological understanding of the Nephilim from the Bible because it was going to become a thing.
The first post I put up about this was Who Were the Nephilim?
Now we have Tucker Carlson and Rosanne Barr discussing the Nephilim on a podcast.
If you haven’t thought about it, here are my posts to get you started: Nephilim and Fallen Angels. I will try to add some more now that this topic is hitting the mainstream. As a Christian, do you have a solid Biblical answer for people like this?
Here’s the clip. (Sorry I haven’t figured out how to make these TikTok embeds smaller yet!)
Jess Connell
The embedded video isn’t working for me; not sure if it’s me/a browser issue, or the way it’s shared here. Do you have an original link?
Sallie Borrink
Hi Jess,
It’s working fine for me and I’m self-hosting the video so it isn’t deleted/lost. That’s weird.
Here’s where I found it.
Good to see you!
You always expand my realm of possibilities! LOL So, this is an interesting hypothesis. Are they just talking about Nephilim influencing the nebulous “they” out there who are “ruling the world”? Or are they positing that specific people ARE currently Nephilim and running things?
This also gave me something new to think about in terms of being against truth just because it was truth. So I was entirely onboard with the idea of people doing evil things to gain money, power, influence. I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around what could possibly be driving people to want to change history and fact. What could they possibly be gaining from denial of already established fact? I had never considered that it could just be hatred of truth for truth’s sake. That makes a lot of sense to me. God is Truth and if you are against God, you are against every form of truth. Huh. Thanks for the lightbulb moment!
I appreciate that you spell things out and bring possible interpretations to those of us who may not see things as clearly as you do!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for your comment!
Re: the Nephilim… I’ve seen people put both theories out there. I am undecided what I think which is why I’m not pushing one theory over the other. I don’t know. I do think we are in a massive spiritual battle across the face of the earth, perhaps one of the greatest in human history.
Re: history and established facts… How many of history’s “established facts” are lies? We’ve watched the lies and deception in real time over the past two decades, especially the past four years. How much from history is a lie?
I’m going to attempt to make Sallie’s Rebuilding America No. 72 this afternoon. There is so much to cover and it would take me days to write posts about it. I can do a whole bunch of talking about a lot of topics much more quickly on a recording. So say a prayer I get that done and posted!
Sallie Borrink
New podcast! Thanks for bringing up history in your comment. It was the push I needed.
Episode 72
Sallie Borrink
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