Happy last week of January! We’re receiving some lovely snow today. We are still very far behind our yearly average. It will be interesting to see if this is simply an anomaly or if the snow starts to pile up in February and March to make up for lost time.
Yesterday we celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary and the 15th anniversary of discovering we were going to finally become parents after waiting and praying so many years. We didn’t do anything special. Simply being a blessed and loving family has to be enough during these times.
Home Life & Homeschooling
I’m going to be honest. We are all tired. Caroline and I are especially tired and feeling the mental drain. This year (eighth grade) was going to be the fill-in-the-gaps year before starting high school. After being locked down for the better part of a year, neither one of us is anywhere near our optimal performance level on anything. We both find things to keep us busy, but I wouldn’t say that they are the most important things. I am mentally worn down. I suspect the same is true for my child.
It feels like we’re in a waiting game and that’s because we are. I remind her (and me) that it won’t always be like this. We hope.
So we try to do school work and we are making progress in our various subjects. But it isn’t the progress I envisioned or that we need. When neither of us have the mental reserves to push hard, it’s folly for me to try to do so. So we do what we can and I’m thankful for what we do get done.
The Online Dust Settled For Me
The online dust finally settled for me over the weekend. I’ve waited, moved, deleted, and more over the past few years and especially the past year. I’ve settled where I am. I deleted my MeWe account when I realized they are not a free speech platform and are now starting to censor people as well. So here is what I have decided on.
- This website is my main home. That will never change.
- Gab Personal Account: Sallie Borrink (Phil. 4:8)
- Gab Group I Created: Relaxed Homeschooling
- Gab TV: Sallie Borrink (Phil. 4:8) (videos)
- Rumble: Sallie Borrink (videos)
- Podcast locations: Apple and Stitcher
So that’s it. I’m not trying to be overly dramatic, but I could cry from relief at having this sorted out except I’m at that point where I’m too tired to cry. I feel like my work has been in limbo for so long. So many videos I wanted to make. So many posts I wanted to write. Weekly emails that never got sent to all of you because I was just too tired.
Hopefully things will move ahead a bit more now that at least some of this is settled.
What is going on in your home this week?
Artwork: “Young Girl With Flush” by Helen Allingham
This week some things around my home are finally coming together very nicely. It has been an enormous amount of work to get to that point, but maintaining it going forward should be much easier!
I didn’t know that about MeWe, now I’m curious what was going on with it.
I’ve been adapting the kids to dual enrollment at the local community college, which was super stressful at first, but seems to be calming down now.
It’s very weird to be so removed from their school work, and I’m not quite sure what to make of it.
Hi Ticia,
MeWe has been making it clear they aren’t a free speech platform, deleting groups and such. There was no point in my staying on there. I can only give time to a few things outside my own website and like Gab so much better than MeWe. For me, it was an easy choice.
That would be weird to turn over the schoolwork to someone else after being the main person for so long. I try to imagine life with Caroline grown up and moving on. I’m not ready for that yet. LOL!