I am honestly not sure how all of this with Israel and the Jews is going to shake out. I do know from observing what is going on that this is all heading somewhere significant (and I’m not talking about it necessarily in the Biblical sense). I do not consider myself a pre-millennialist, dispensationalist, or Zionist. I lean strongly toward partial-preterism at the moment, but would not stake my life on any view of the last things. I say this just so anyone reading will understand my general point of view.
However, what I CAN clearly see is that in recent months many Americans have been rapidly turning on the government entity we currently call the nation of Israel. This includes Christians.
I wanted to save some screenshots because this part of the entire saga we are living through is one I find very interesting. Why? Because I cannot completely figure out what is going on at the 40,000 foot level. I feel like there are some important pieces we must be missing that have been held back from the public.
If you think the Q thing is real, remember this.
Based on this, I started researching and thinking about the Israel and Jew angle to all of this quite a while ago. I assumed it was going to come to a head and probably not in ways many Americans would expect. I think I have an understanding of what that is, but that’s another post.
Here is the statement made by Netanyahu and some reactions I saw.
I am going to stop there. I have other Israel and Jew related topics I’d like to share, but I think I should keep the posts to one basic topic at a time.
Sallie Borrink
I keep erasing what I am writing.