I quit Facebook and Twitter a number of years ago because I knew they were suppressing the truth and manipulating everyone using them. Shadow-banning was rampant and so if you wrote or shared anything that wasn’t part of the approved Silicon Valley Leftist Narrative, you had no chance of ever being seen on timelines.
Quitting social media, especially Facebook, came at a personal and professional cost. But I knew unless an increasing number of Americans were willing to starve the Big Tech beasts, we would be forever captured and owned by them. I saw the truth and so I acted.
I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several years trying to find the truth about news stories. When I find the truth, I share it. I’ve become increasingly savvy in finding the best places to ferret out the truth regarding breaking news stories.
Thankfully, it has become easier to do so because I’ve worked long and hard to hone my skills. There are other sources of news and a growing segment of the population now knows how to instantly dig into a story to either prove it or debunk it. I’ve watch big lies in the media be debunked through open sources in just a few hours. A few years ago, it might take a few days to debunk a lie. Now people are so skilled at finding accurate, open-sourced information they can do it in almost real-time as the Official Narrative Story is being pushed out by the mainstream media (MSM).
The MSM no longer has a stranglehold on the news. A significant portion of the country has completely turned them off. Even people who feel a need to be connected to the MSM because it is a hard, life-long habit to break are now seeing that they are not being told the truth.
Whatever you think of Elon Musk, he has opened the floodgates to the reality of how news and information was being suppressed on Twitter. Even if you are one of the many Americans who doesn’t use Twitter, hardcore Twitter users have used and abused you by hiding the truth. You may have never used Twitter, but you have been endlessly manipulated by those who live and die by what they read on there. If you think Twitter has had no impact on your life, you truly don\’t understand how the flow of information has worked in this country.
Elon Musk confirmed over and over again this week what he is learning as they pull back the curtains behind the scenes. This is something we are discussing at length in my podcasts.
Look at this list of MSM lies that Elon responded to in a Twitter discussion. These stories are all lies. They are all easily disproven. Every one of them was pushed by the MSM. Some still are despite the fact that they have clearly been shown to be lies.
I’ve covered the vast majority of these stories in real time. Many of them I’ve covered in-depth. Anyone who has followed my work knows these are all lies.
Go back and look at what I wrote on February 24, 2022: The Ukraine Situation Is Not What It Seems and what I continued to add in detail in the comments. I told you about the money laundering, the biolabs, etc. from almost the moment the situation started.
As you celebrate Thanksgiving today with family members out of work, no money to buy Christmas presents, food inflation crippling families, and more, just remember this. A relentless flood of lies has consequences. Stolen elections have consequences. Big tech lied and suppressed their way through the recent years, but especially since 2015. They pushed every lie on that list and many more that we can add in the comments here.
On Thanksgiving Day 2022, we are living in an increasingly dystopian nightmare. Why is that? Do any of us really believe that what the MSM is constantly pumping out is what the average American wants or believes? Do you honestly still believe the lie that Biden was elected with more votes than any other president in history? Do you honestly believe the results of the 2020 and 2022 elections? Can you articulate why they are so obviously fraught with lies and deception?
Photo credit: Greenwish on Pexels
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