Caroline enjoys Goodnight Moon and I was excited to find some fun Goodnight Moon activities we can use with the large board book we already have. I found both a Goodnight Moon lapbook and a Goodnight Moon puzzle that she is enjoying!
Goodnight Moon Lapbook
Today we (David and I) made a Goodnight Moon lapbook that I found online. I discovered lapbooks about a year ago and I was completely smitten!
I think they are a wonderful concept and look forward to utilizing this learning tool a lot in the years ahead.
We scanned the cover of her book and made a copy for the cover of the lapbook.
Everything here (well, almost everything) I downloaded via One Little, Two Little.
She also had a link to this page at HomeschoolShare that had other printables that I did not use.
Some of the ones there would be more suitable to children a little older than Caroline.
The one thing that was not in the downloads was the top pocket of the three on the right side of the green page. For some reason it just wasn’t there. David made one very similar to the other ones. If anyone decides to make one of these, feel free to email me and I can send you a PDF of that pocket. This one took us a bit of time, but I also expect we would speed up once we get used to how all the little books typically go together.
Caroline liked the lapbook. Obviously it is something new so she’s learning how to interact with it. But we had fun with all of the sections this evening and I look forward to making lots more of these for and with her in the years ahead.
Goodnight Moon Puzzle
While we were out Christmas shopping in December, I found a Goodnight Moon Puzzle in a puzzle store. Caroline was very into Goodnight Moon this fall and she loves puzzles so I thought it would be a good purchase for her.
I was concerned it might be a little hard since it was 36 pieces, but my philosophy is that if it is too hard you just put it away and bring it out again in a few weeks or months.
When we got home Caroline and I got on the floor to do the puzzle. I talked her through different strategies of what to look for and how to determine which pieces go where. We got out her large board book and opened it up to the page that matched the puzzle. She did very well in putting it together with a moderate amount of help from me. For the next couple of days she did it a several times a day and in four or five days she was doing it on her own without looking at the picture. You can see a picture of her working on it on this post.
I’m getting ready to do our first lapbook, and I chose Goodnight Moon because we will be seeing the play soon. I am hoping that you still have the PDF pocket you offered in Goodnight Moon post. If so, will you please forward it to when you have a chance.
Thank you so much, and thank you for sharing your ideas.
Hello there,
I am working on a goodnight moon lapbook for my girls. My younger one is named Caroline I thought that was neat. So far I made the clock that you have and Caroline really liked that. I also had them color a lot of the printables. This lapbooking thing is completley new to us but I am so addicted.
I LOVE the lap book idea. My 2 year old wants to read Good Night Moon every night so I would like to expand on this interest. And he is a book junky in general, so I see lots of potential with the lapbooks! I have printed most of the materials but cannot seem to find the fold out, “letter M” booklet on the lower left hand side of the lapbook. WOuld you be able to e-mail me either the file or the link?
May I please have the PDF of the pockets for Goodnight Moon lapbook if you still have them.
Thank you.
Hi Belinda – I just emailed it to you! 🙂
PLease send me the PDF for the lapbook for goodnight moon .My kids would love this Thanks
Dear Sallie,
My granddaughter is turning two next week and I would love to make this Goodnight Moon lapbook for her. I would appreciate it if you could send me the 3 top pockets that your husband made for the shapes activity. I also loved reading Eloise Wilkin’ books to my children, and I must remember to get one for my granddaughter.
Thank you so much!
Hi Shannon,
I just emailed it to you!
Thank you for posting this! Would you mind sending me the pdf as well? Thanks again!