Candace Owens ripped off the band-aid regarding the topics of Israel, Zionism, and pedophilia yesterday in this video (below). There’s so much to unpack here. I only just saw this video an hour ago so I’m still processing it as I write this post. This is so significant that I am not waiting my typical 48 hours before posting. Why? Because I’ve already been writing about these topics the past few years and waiting for something to push it fully out in the open.
I want to make it crystal clear right from the beginning – I do not have this figured out. There are so many layers to this topic that it quickly becomes overwhelming.
- There is the Christian theology layer.
- There is the Scofield Bible and dispensationalism layer.
- There is the recent history layer (which has multiple layers).
- There is the longer history layer (which has multiple layers).
- There is the Biblical history layer (which has multiple layers).
- There is the blackmail layer.
- There is the American government layer.
- There is the three-letter agencies layer.
- There is the psy-op layer.
- There is the Trump layer.
- There is the Q layer.
- There is the Zionism layer.
- There is the Hitler layer.
- There is the WW2 layer.
- There is the Holocaust layer.
- There is the money layer.
And on and on and on… David and I have spent a lot of time reading and discussing all of these topics for months, but especially this summer because of some developments in real life around us. It’s caused us to have to deep dive into dispensationalism, premillenialism, preterism, partial-preterism, and so much more.
So to be very clear – I will be sharing a lot of information. The inclusion of information is NOT an endorsement. If I share something I’m convinced is true, I’ll say so.
First, there’s so much information in this video for the average person to wade through. The average Christian who supports Zionism will probably find it overwhelming or think it sounds like the rantings of a crazy person. It’s not. For everything she said, she probably has spent hours reading on one little bit of truth.
Two, I’ve said before that I don’t fully trust Owens. I can’t put my finger on it or fully explain it. Part of it is just a gut thing. Part of it probably has to do with this: Rising Republican Party Influencers Got Their Start at a Talent Agency Run By Israeli Photographer. Is she controlled opposition? Did she start as a grifter but gradually moved into an authentic truth teller? Was she a truth teller from the start who was inserted for a reason? I’m honestly not sure.
For whatever reason, this topic has now blown up on the national (and international) stage and she is the one who did it. Now we have to sort it out.
If she had said nothing else, simply raising the question of why pedophiles can’t easily be extradited from Israel should make you pause and think. Is that true? If it is true, why is that a thing?
And as I have asked over and over again… Why is there one country, one event, one group of people, etc. that we are not allowed to ever question? You can question any event from history but one. You can discuss any group of people but one. You can say anything you want except criticize or question one group of people. Why? Why do some states in America now have loyalty pledges to a foreign country?
I have a category called Israel & Jews where I’ve been adding information I thought would come in helpful when this moment came. You might want to start here: Sorting Out the Truth of the Impact of Jews on the Western World. (I really need to get that post about the Scofield Bible written!)
I also have a tag on Child & Human Trafficking. Other related posts include those tagged Disney and Pizzagate.
I will probably add to this post, but for now I’m simply publishing it.
Just remember this if you think the Q thing is legit and connected to Trump (which I have explained at length why it’s true). If you don’t believe me, look at everything in this post: President Trump Re-Truthed Video of Q-Themed Memes Overnight (Plus Reactions). Pay special attention to the NBC clip when he has the purple tie on.
Someone decided it was time to bring this topic to the forefront. It might have been been Candace who is genuinely fed up and ready to truthfully speak up. It might be someone controlling her. It might be someone she’s working with.
But we’re eleven weeks from the biggest election in our country’s history and the Democrat National Convention starts today.
Interesting timing.
Candace Owens on Israel and Zionism
Sallie Borrink
One way or the other, this is going to rip through the Conservative side of social media. NO IDEA how this will ultimately work out. There will be tremendous pressure on all conservatives of any kind to pick a side. Most will be pressured to condemn Candace.
Whatever Candace’s motive, she’s correct that most people won’t touch this topic for fear of the fallout.
How does TRUTH come out if you pick a side in this? If you pick a side, specifically Israel side, it seems to me someone might be deliberately ignoring some of these facts. Can’t some facts both be true at the same time?
Sallie Borrink
There are a lot of people who don’t want the truth – whatever it is – to come out. A LOT.
Everyone should ask themselves why our First Amendment is being overturned on behalf of another country and one group of people.
So true. I got a lot of pushbacks on this topic from the group I left. Why conservatives want to stifle free speech on this is so baffling to me. Nothing surprises me anymore…. This entire huge topic is such a HOT topic.
Sallie Borrink
I’ll be adding screenshots of reactions I see.
Sallie Borrink
Someone on Gab did a deep dive on Sabbatean Frankists. If you’ve never heard of this, it would be a place to start.
I’m pasting a copy here for future reference. I have NOT fact checked this.
I have a question and a message for the christian church. Why is it that every time most christians hear something, they run with the message having no understanding about the message? Instead of judging, just do a little researching.
I never even heard about Sabbatean Frankists until Candace Owens brought it up. So, instead of judging her and running off at the mouth, I researched it for myself, and here is what I found:
The Sabbatean Frankists were a religious movement that emerged in the 18th century, combining elements of Sabbateanism and Frankism. Here are some key points:
• Sabbateanism: Founded by Sabbatai Zevi in the 17th century, Sabbateanism was a Jewish messianic movement that emphasized the cancellation of traditional Jewish laws and the acceptance of sin. It attracted many followers, including some who remained within the Jewish community.
• Frankism: Created by Jacob Frank in the 18th century, Frankism was a Sabbatean offshoot that rejected Jewish norms and preached the obligation to transgress moral boundaries. Frank claimed to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi and attracted a significant following, primarily among Jews living in Poland and Eastern Europe.
• Blurring Boundaries: The Sabbatean Frankists blurred the lines between Jewish and non-Jewish practices, adopting elements of Christianity and other beliefs. They also engaged in rituals and practices considered taboo by traditional Jewish law, such as incest and cannibalism.
• Leadership: Jacob Frank was the leader of the Sabbatean Frankists, and his teachings were intended for a select circle of followers, whom he demanded blind obedience. He maintained control through a combination of charisma, manipulation, and coercion.
• Controversy and Excommunication: The Sabbatean Frankists faced intense opposition from traditional Jewish authorities, who condemned their beliefs and practices as heretical. In 1759, Rabbi Jacob Emden led a campaign against the Frankists, accusing them of immorality and heresy, and eventually, the Frankist leader Jacob Frank converted to Christianity.
• Legacy: Despite the controversy and eventual decline of the movement, the Sabbatean Frankists left a lasting impact on Jewish mysticism and the development of Hasidism. Some scholars argue that their ideas and practices influenced the emergence of Hasidic Judaism.
Key Entities and Descriptions:
• Jacob Frank: The founder and leader of Frankism, known for his charismatic leadership, unconventional teachings, and controversial practices.
• Rabbi Jacob Emden: A prominent Jewish scholar and leader who opposed the Sabbatean Frankists, accusing them of heresy and immorality.
• Sabbatai Zevi: The founder of Sabbateanism, a Jewish messianic movement that emphasized the cancellation of traditional Jewish laws and the acceptance of sin.
Note: The information provided is based on the search results and does not include external sources or references. The answer aims to summarize the key points about the Sabbatean Frankists, while avoiding biased or sensational language.
What she said about Jacob’s ladder going down (and not just up) echoes an idea I had in early 2021.
Sallie Borrink
I only lost two newsletter subscribers in the past 24 hours. I wasn’t sure what to expect.
We’ve definitely whittled this community down over the past few years to the people who truly value searching for the truth – wherever it takes us.