Kris left the following comment on my Telegram News page. I responded with a long comment that I decided was worth making into a blog post as well for future reference.
Kris wrote:
I am leaving another conservative group I am a part of. Tired of the echo chamber and no one wants to think outside the box. Thanks for the information you post to give us food for thought!
My reply:
Hi Kris,
You’re welcome! I do try to focus on presenting information that seems to cut to the heart of the situation at 40,000 feet, especially in ways people might not be discussing.
No idea which group you are talking about (and don’t need to know), but if they are anything like what I’m observing… People have settled into a few different groups.
People who are awake, very weary, but manage to keep going. (This is probably most people who read my Telegram.)
People on the right who are being exposed at grifters who will talk any message that brings clicks and money. (This includes most of Conservative, Inc. and those who really aren’t America First. They are first and foremost for themselves and keeping access to power.)
People right of center who cannot see beyond the reality presented to them due to their personality. They take things for what they seem to be and base it on what has always been. They aren’t against knowing the truth. They simply won’t be able to believe anything they can’t observe until they see it in reality and are told it’s true. (This is a lot of good conservative people who feel let down by what they perceive Trump didn’t do in his first term. They can’t grasp the big picture because it’s so far outside of the bounds of normal. I would guess many of my readers – and former readers – fall in this group.)
NPCs who just do what they are told. They switch their flag in their Facebook bio whenever someone “in authority” tells them to do so. They rarely have an original thought. (Many people fall into this group.)
The people who are center left who see a lot of what is going on, but can’t bring themselves to accept that their party and their people are the ones doing most of the destructive and treasonous things. They don’t see the entire picture, but they know their “side” is primarily to blame. They don’t really know what to do because they were trained by the MSM to hate Trump. They also know he’s the only option at this point because they are not communists at heart.
The AWFULs (affluent, white, female, urban, liberals) are hands-down one of the biggest problems in this country. I have no idea how they will ever grasp reality. They are a tool of the last group.
The Evil. Think reprobate mind of Romans 1. And worse.
That’s how I see it right now. Sorry for the long reply. It simply motivated me to write out my thoughts about this. lol
I should probably put it into a post as well.
That’s how I see it. If you are newer to my website, I’ve laid out in great detail over the past several years why I have the perspective I have. I may be wrong. I fully acknowledge that. But I truly hope not because if I’m wrong then… In any case, we’re almost to the moment when we will all find out what has truly been going on the past nine years…
Thanks for sharing. I find the biggest aversion to information and research is the Israel/Gaza war and what Israel is really doing and has done in the past. This is a huge aversion as they don’t care to look at Truth and face facts on this simply because of the Christian and conservative views on Israel. Such a problem!
Sallie Borrink
I agree that is one of the biggest issues. The other is the war on white people. Neither one is acceptable to discuss in any meaningful way in polite Christian company.
Oh well. I stopped worrying about being acceptable in polite Christian company long ago. I look for the truth and thoughtfully share what I’m learning as I try to sort it out.
What is interesting to me is that my email list here has shrunk substantially over recent years. BUT my open and click through rates are fantastically high. WAY WAY above average. It tells me we have a band of happy Christian warriors who value truth gathered here. The rest have self-selected out.
It is interesting that I have had a couple meaningful conversations on Israel and the war. The one thing I find is the “God’s Chosen People” issue and “cursing Israel” or your country will not be blessed. Our country and people are far away from that at this point. I don’t know where to go with these concepts. I have questions myself about this. I am not sure where to find good solid information that works with scripture? What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Kris,
David and I have been digging into this and discussing it for months. It’s such a complicated topic in our current situation both as a nation and as Christians. I’m still trying to sort through how much I am confident in saying in a public forum. Let me think about what I might say in a post.
I am quite new to your website, since about mid-April of this year. The fact that you are who you say you are and post what you post, keeps me coming here again and again. I need to hear what you say and I am benefitting from your highly intelligent mind and thinking. You say you may be wrong and acknowledge that…what a wonderfully honest thing to admit to your readers! I am no where near the mental capabilities of you and many of your readers (based on their comments), but God guided me to your site and with the mind and discernment he endowed on me, I believe that your site is uniquely superior in so many ways…Truth, Beauty, Peace, Hope and Joy. I have long believed that all great things and people need those who can appreciate what is being shown, offered, and/or given. You are appreciated. I look forward to your posts.
I am also, a Happy warrior for Christ.