The collapse of Building 7 is on my list of Conspiracy Theories & Weird Stories. I haven’t taken the time to write a separate post about it, but Tucker Carlson recently went there in an interview.
I don’t know who is conducting the interview. This is just a short clip. If you’ve never seen the BBC footage they are discussing, it is included at the end of this clip.
Emily Darling
Sallie, this is a short clip from a much longer interview Tucker did on the Shawn Ryan Show. I’ll share the link if you are inclined to watch or listen to it.
Sallie Borrink
Thank you! I haven’t even had time to track down the full interview and I’ve never heard of Shawn Ryan so didn’t know where to look. I have another lengthy clip I plan on sharing on my other website (Nephilim related) as soon as I can get to it.
Thanks again, Emily! ♥
Sallie Borrink
Here is the post I wrote related to this.
The Nephilim, Tucker Carlson, Genesis 6, The Little Season, & Discerning the Truth
Emily Darling
You’re very welcome, Sallie! I had not ever heard of him either, but I’m now working my way through that entire interview with Tucker. Take care and God bless you and your family!