It wouldn’t make sense.
We’re literally being invaded and American citizens are furious about it. Last week people went apoplectic over the green card comment and the fact that foreigners are taking jobs from American citizens.
So Trump is going to select….
…a young Indian Hindu with no real experience in fighting real battles? Who was never America First until it became trendy? While we’re watching similar people literally destroying the U.K.?
Ramaswamy is fake and insincere. I don’t even want him in the cabinet. He’s so obviously faking a role with the things he says that sound America First and MAGA.
The choice of Ramaswampy would blow up so many demographics in Trump’s base.
- How many Christians would refuse to vote for a Hindu?
- How many people would refuse to vote for an Indian?
- How many people would refuse to vote for a smarmy financial/tech guy?
There are too many better options. There is virtually no upside to Ramaswampy. Picking him would be a complete slap in the face to Trump’s base.
Could it happen? I guess. But the base would explode with anger. I don’t see how Trump could spin this in a positive way. At all.
I realize not everyone may be familiar with Vivek, so I’m adding these. Post continues below.
More if you are interested:
Sallie Borrink
Natasha Gonzalez
Hi Sallie! This is my first comment on your website. I love your blog. Regarding the points referring to blowing up Trump’s demographic base, I understand the points about Christians not wanting to vote for a Hindu, nor a Tech Guy, but why would they perhaps not want to vote for an Indian? Where is the problem there? I’m just seeking to understand, not be divisive. BTW – I have a spirited / high needs daughter like you:-).
Sallie Borrink
Hi Natasha,
Welcome! Off the top of my head here are my thoughts from reading widely (and some of them are very politically incorrect, but true)
Watching what has happened in the UK as the governments there have been taken over by similar people who have continued to leave the borders open and shame the heritage population almost to the point of collapse and no recovery of their hertiage
The massive influx of Indians into tech and the resulting problems that has presented (widely known and discussed)
Americans losing their jobs and being forced to train their replacement in India
A general distrust of people who they perceive as not “American” right now. Read the second paragraph of this post again.
People now clearly see The Great Replacement isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s real. They don’t want a leader who looks like The Great Replacement in reality.
White people, in particular, are fed up with being demonized by people who aren’t white. They aren’t going to vote for someone who isn’t white and only recently came to this country.
There’s probably more, but those are the ones I thought of first.