There are two reasons we know the truth about what is going on in the world whether it is covid, the injections, politics, election fraud, vaccine injuries, or any other topics that are actively suppressed on “socially acceptable” social media.
- Gab
- Telegram
That’s it. Those were the ONLY two public platforms with a completely free and uncensored flow of information during the lockdowns and push for the covid injections. Those were the only two platforms that consistently allowed the sharing of information regarding how to legally fight back regarding your job, your medical care, etc. Those were the only platforms sharing alternative treatments and how to access the necessary supplies. Substack, Rumble, and Truth Social became more active over time, but it was long after the critical time had passed.
Every other major platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube censored anything not approved by our self-appointed globalist overlords.
If Gab and Telegram had not existed, I cannot imagine where we would be right now in this country. (Actually, I can. That’s another post for another day.)
Look at the tremendous social pressure to stay off of Gab. Those who oppose the free flow of information and ideas (the First Amendment) have done everything they can to keep people off that platform.
How? That’s super easy.
- Mass formation regarding the jabs and other divisive issues caused people to only trust the “science experts” and shun anyone who was thinking outside of that extremely narrow paradigm
- Cries of antisemitism on the platform
That’s it.
That’s IT.
If we’ve learned anything over the past seven years – but especially the past three – it’s this.
- Anything you are directed by MSM and Big Tech to ignore is EXACTLY what you should be looking into.
- Anything called a conspiracy theory by our self-appointed globalist overlords is something you should take the time to research in order to draw your own well-informed conclusions.
- Anything presented as a boogeyman that will make you a bad person if you even accidentally brush up against it is EXACTLY what you should be researching.
But beyond all of that, most people have no idea that Gab is what you make of it. People take a quick look at it, see something that they have been conditioned to think is socially unacceptable, and quickly flee – grateful they escaped. They choose not to spend some time on it, join great groups, create their own group, find interesting people to follow, etc. They quickly confirm the propaganda.
Gabbers can mute/block anyone who troubles them, but I challenge people not to do that unless they absolutely must. I block very few people because I want to know what people are discussing. I want to know what is trending. I want to learn. How can I know what is going on in the world if I mute people I might find distasteful or have ideas we are told are crazy? I don’t want to end up in echo chambers like Facebook and Instagram where I only see and hear what our self-appointed globalist overlords have determined is acceptable.
This line of thinking is so ironic if you understand what Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have been engaged in for years. Remember this about Instagram? Wall Street Journal: Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network. That’s barely even the tip of the iceberg regarding what these social media platforms have been involved with. But they get a total pass because people have been trained to see them as both necessary and socially acceptable.
We owe Andrew Torba a great deal. He held the line for years when the overlords did everything they could to put him out of business. They are still trying to take him down. He likes to say that Gab is inevitable. I think he’s probably correct.
I will always be thankful for Gab.
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