I’ve observed over the past three years that there are certain types of people who are having the most difficult time dealing with what is going on. They are at least partially awake but regularly struggle with teetering on the edge of black pilling.
These people fall into one or both of these camps.
- One, they have a rigid view of the end times and they filter everything through that. If it doesn’t fit that paradigm, it can’t be true.
- Two, they cannot accept things that aren’t the way they think they should be. They are convinced their way of viewing things and how things should be done is far superior. Anything else is unacceptable. They cannot separate their clearly superior view of how things should be from what is.
This paragraph by Sundance in Important Site Note hits on this:
If you follow that simple process logically, and if you accept things as they are – not as you would wish them to be, then predicting outcomes becomes a simple gathering of data points that highlight the alignment. Predictions become a simple, if this – then that, analysis.
When I started digging for the truth, I didn’t have a specific outcome in mind. I was simply trying to figure out what in the world was going on after the 2020 election. My digging took me to places I never expected to go. But it was exactly as Sundance said here. If I observed this, then that made the most sense. I’ve simply done that over and over again probably thousands of times for the past few years.
I don’t wish to prove myself right in terms of my own theories. I simply want to be as right as I can be as all of this unfolds. When we finally see the big picture, I want to be able to look back and read a record of all the things I figured out correctly. It is in many ways a game for me.
I’ve tried to take my own preferences out of my searching as much as possible and that’s helped. I’m sure I have blind spots because we all do. But I’ve tried to be aware of that as much as possible. I do this by asking other people I trust for their perspective and discussing if there is some fault in our analysis.
Seeking the balance between what you believe, what you think you know, and what you observe (in the most detached manner possible) is the place where you are the least susceptible to black pilling.
It’s also the healthiest place to live as we watch history unfold before us.
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