Yesterday I took the time to check out a handful of shows I haven’t watched in a few months. I stopped watching for a variety of reasons, but wanted to get a feel for where these well-informed people were in the ongoing battle.
It was very apparent that there is a fight going on against battle fatigue and demoralization.
Some of the people were clearly suffering from battle fatigue. As I said when I started cutting back on doing my Sallie’s Rebuilding America podcasts last year, you can only say the same thing so many times. If you have a daily or weekly show that you must produce, it becomes difficult to make it fresh when we are in a depressingly long disclosure operation.
On another show, they were discussing Operation Trust which honestly surprised me. I know I’ve discussed this before, multiple times. I think I discussed it in President Trump: Patriot or Traitor? {Sallie Video} and some podcasts but it’s been so long I can’t remember. Reading between the lines of what they were saying, Operation Trust must have been a topic of conversation on conservative social media recently.
I’m feeling it and I’m sure many of you are as well. All we can do is embrace the suck and keep going.
Timing is everything. We’ve either been led to the precipice as we were told would happen or evil has pulled off the greatest Operation Trust imaginable.
I’m still Team Trump.
And remember that Trump has never conceded 2020. If you truly believe Trump has America’s best interest in mind both now and for the next hundred years, why would he refuse to concede? Is it possible he knows a whole lot that we still don’t?
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