As the slow but steady destruction of Disney gathers steam, I continue to collect memes and screenshots that reflect this historic event during the Fourth Turning. I’m putting them together as a sort of archive as to where we are at the start of this and where we end up.
Some of these might be upsetting. Some of them might seem unfair. Please remember that the sharing of info here is not an endorsement of author, source, etc. I am simply showing you that Disney is in a world of hurt from the PR perspective at the very least. With the legal developments this week with the Florida legislature, it is becoming a massive financial issue. They made their choices and now they are reaping the whirlwind. (In reality, they are only one part of a massive whirlwind going through our culture.)
This post includes two week’s worth of images. If you missed the previous posts, look here:
Main post photo of Hollywood Tower by Brian McGowan on Unsplash
As they might say at Disney, on with the show.
Thank you. Hopefully more people are waking up because of the Disney evil. Our country will turn around when people turn back to Jesus.
Sallie Borrink
Amen! The only way forward for America is true and massive repentance.