This one screenshot summarizes what we witnessed.
The only questions that remain are:
- How do they get rid of Biden (and Dr. Jill who appears to be running things)?
- How do they get rid of Kamala?
- Who can they slide in who can garner enough support that the Dems can cheat again? The 2020 cheat is obvious to anyone who digs into the facts just a bit. The Democrats will have to cheat in even greater numbers this time. Who can come off as believably popular?
According to the talking heads, the top contenders appear to be:
- Gavin Newsom (Make America Like California)
- Killary
- Michele Obama (Or is it Big Mike? I guess we would find out.)
- Gretchen Whitmer (Make America Like Michigan During Lockdowns)
Who else is there?
What is their platform?
- Kill the babies
- Open borders and amnesty for all (The Great Replacement – Sallie’s Rebuilding America No. 26))
- Drafting women
- WW3
Should be interesting.
One last observation. Everyone was shocked by how “professional” the moderators were last night. There was a reason for that. The only goal last night was show America we must get rid of Biden. They weren’t there to take down Trump. They think that comes next. They didn’t want Trump to even be a significant factor which is why everything just hummed along. They wanted everyone focused on one thing – how bad Biden is and that he must be replaced.
Photo by Cristina Glebova on Unsplash
Jess Connell
TOtally agree with your assessment of why the moderators were fair and balanced to Trump. Because they knew the assignment.
Yes, Biden is being callously discarded. His debate performance was shockingly worse than his State of the Union speech just a few months ago. I’ve been praying for him since the debate, but from today’s news headlines it sounds like he hasn’t hit bottom yet.
A significant chunk of his base is rallying around him.
Sallie Borrink
Watching Jill Biden speak to her husband like he’s a child makes me ill.
Biden deserves to be held accountable for treason multiple times over.
AND YET as a Christian I find it reprehensible to see an elderly person openly abused. Even knowing how evil he is and the evil he’s done… I know it’s so wrong what they are doing to him.
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz looks like he is ambitious in that direction. He is prominent within a group of governors who were concerned about Biden’s debate performance, and he was among the several that just met with Biden in person in D.C. They had a press conference afterward.
He’s visibly lost weight recently, after making Minnesota a sanctuary state for both abortion and transgenders. He has executive ability, just in the wrong direction.
The Democrats need to retain the voters who see Biden as their “Grandpa Joe”. Walz can fill those shoes.