Happy Monday! I hope you are doing well this last week of February. I like this artwork of a salesman coming to the home with his wares. I was thinking back to Farmer Boy when the cobbler would come around as well as the peddler. How exciting it would be to have all of that show up at your home. We’re so overwhelmed with choices now that nothing seems very special. In our over-abundance, we’ve lost something.
For newer readers, this is a weekly post I do where I share what I’m doing in my home and invite you to share what you’re working on in your home. If you haven’t participated yet, it is easy. Just leave a comment!
I hope you have checked out the products in A Quiet Simple Life Series. The series explains quite a bit about my philosophy of creating a cozy home of peace, understanding, joy, beauty, and faith. You can also check out the Prudent & Prepared Series for other ideas.
So my goals for this week will be the following.
Goal 1: Make calls for necessary appointments in the coming months.
Goal 2: Wipe out bathroom drawers and cupboards.
Goal 3: Catch up on homeschooling paperwork and recordkeeping.
Other than that it is the typical week of work, homeschooling, and homemaking.
What is going on around your home this week? Are you close to spring where you live or still weeks and weeks away like we are? I hope you’ll leave a comment and share.
Artwork: “Ribbons And Laces For Very Pretty Faces” by Edmund Blair-Leighton
Sallie, I love that quote by Patton you have in the header above! I struggle with that idea, and unfortunately it has been passed on to my daughter, but magnified! Why do they pick up the worst traits we have so easily? 😉
Hope you have a great week! We are continuing in our quest to ready our home for sale. It’s never ending!
Hi Amanda,
That is a really good quote for me as well. Perfectionism is something I’ve had to work my way out of in my life. Because it was such a difficulty for me (to the point of impacting my health), I’ve really targeted not doing things to move Caroline in that direction in any way. But it was something I had to be very deliberate about because you are right – they pick up on stuff like that from us without us even realizing we’re passing it on to them.
Have a good week!
Thank You for the latest post. We have been having a little more snow and rain. The rain has melted a lot of the snow. The temperatures are starting to get warmer. We are getting the house ready for Saint Patrick’s day. The house s decorated already. Have a Blessed week. God Bless.
Joan,Marion and Marilyn
Hi Marilyn,
Good to hear from you! You and your sisters seem to do a wonderful job of celebrating the holidays. I wish I was better about that. I thought I would be the type of mom to do so and it isn’t how things have turned out. LOL!
Have a great week!
Things are moving along, but not as quickly or easily as we would like. I’m beginning to see the wisdom behind a thorough spring and fall cleaning, especially when you are in one place for a long time. Parts of the house that I had cleaned before the baby was born are now badly in need of deep cleaning again!
Hmmm…. I might have to give in and join your mailing list (I’m weird and don’t like getting emails to tell me to go visit sites, I like to go to a feed reader) since I need to get my calendar updated.