Over the past couple of years, we’ve discussed the massive increase of sealed indictments in the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) system. Here’s a bit of an update.
Remember every one of these indictments below can include one person to many people. I can’t remember the exact number, but I want to say it is in the twenties. Maybe it is only in the teens, but the twenties is what I seem to remember. In any case, this is not just this many people who have been indicted by a federal grand jury. It could be this many people times five, ten, fifteen, twenty, etc.
Someone noted that when they started following the PACER system, the number was around 6,000. I can’t verify that, but I do know from research that these massive numbers are not the historical norm.
It’s just mind-boggling what is to come out.
Sundance of The Conservative Treehouse is saying that there are red flags with the allegations because they are coming straight out of a divorce and the ensuing custody battle:
My feeling is that cartel money and threats probably do play a role in AZ politics, and in other states as well. The social connections in this case, with one of the chief villains being married to one of the chief investigators, seem implausible. I haven’t looked into it myself at all, though, and Sundance has some unusual social connections himself.
Sallie Borrink
Yes, I’ve seen some people say they think there are problems with it. I’d like to look and see if Kari Lake has commented on it specifically. I haven’t looked, but I haven’t seen anyone on the list deny it. Bennett looked guilty as anything when he bolted.
It’s like the people who are dismissing the Brunson thing that is still ongoing. It might be nothing, but Trump put out a truth about it and retruthed it. It could be misdirection from him as well. Hard to know in these crazy times.
Sallie Borrink
I also wanted to add that I wish I had the energy to do a deep dive on this. I just don’t. I’m worn out so I’m sharing what I can.
When I heard about Thaler being married to a woman who he didn’t know was part of the cabal, I wasn’t surprised. Anonymous Conservative talks about this all the time re: surveillance and people being sent to marry targets.
Sallie Borrink
Someone mentioned in the last week that the number is over 500,000 now. I didn’t fact check it and can’t remember where I read it! If someone wants to confirm, please do!
Sallie Borrink
Just saw this on Telegram
Why are there over half a million sealed indictments in the criminal database?
517,375 sealed indictments all filed since OCT 30, 2017
Sealed Indictment
A sealed indictment refers to a formal charging document issued by a grand jury in a criminal case, which is kept confidential and not made public. It is typically used when there is a concern that the disclosure of the indictment may jeopardize an ongoing investigation or the safety of individuals involved.
Unsealed Indictment
An unsealed indictment is one that discloses information to the public unless ordered otherwise by a presiding judge. At the point where the judge presumes that the public can be made aware- like when the accused has been arrested-, the indictment can be unsealed.
Sallie Borrink
This is a good brief explanation of what this involves.
What Is a Sealed Indictment? Understanding the Secrecy Behind Formal Charges
Sallie Borrink
Another one