A few minutes ago, President Trump posted this on Truth Social. It comes on the heels of two clips from the weekend that I will also share below.
Content first, screenshot below.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
My screenshot:
This is the original. I”m not sure why the change of colors on the one Trump used.
Archangel Michael Defeats Satan by Guido Reni (1630-1635)
The account I follow that I am certain is connected, retruthed it with these remarks.
This is a massive spiritual battle. I think we don’t even understand the half of it.
Yes, there is much we simply don’t know. It is encouraging to see Trump acknowledging some spiritual realities, but it is also disturbing–I see a connection between Trump’s post and what Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been saying about the demons Baal, Ishtar/Ashtoreth, and Moloch being actively working in the U.S….
If the major demons are here now, are the major angels here as well?
Here is Dr. James Dobson interviewing Rabbi Cahn in 2022, and they have a link to a transcript also:
Even not considering the spiritual aspects, things don’t look good here. There was an older woman walking past our house yesterday with a dog and a little wagon full of stuff that strongly suggested that she is homeless. The Minneapolis City Council and Mayor have been going back and forth on whether or not they have a million dollars or so in the city’s couch cushions to keep a downtown homeless shelter open. The county has increased their homelessness budget by $13 million, and is still failing to keep up.
My neighborhood is not a safe place to put up Trump signs, but one neighbor has put up a Gun Owners for Trump sign. There are about a dozen Harris signs.
Thank you for passing this to us. I have been praying Psalm 91 daily and have now included Psalm 18 (very powerful), especially for the leaders who care about this country and people.
Sallie Borrink
Hi Deb,
You’re welcome!
Thank you for mentioning Psalm 18. I’ve been going through all of my Morning Hope posts and republishing them with their own unique image. I hadn’t gotten to that one yet so you picked it for me today!