Over the past couple of weeks, Dr. Ben Carson has been moved forward in the narrative from reliable people. Dr. Carson has been very loyal to Trump both in terms of serving as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and continuing after 2020.
I made this observation on Truth Social on May 24 since it would seem to fit. This was before the narrative push took off in the MSM, but it seemed like a strong possibility given the content of what Trump was saying.
Dr. Carson is on the alleged list of potential VP picks being vetted by Trump as published by the AP. However, I never saw any confirmation this was an official list and some of those names are beyond hard to believe. The original AP article linked to in the post where I got this screenshot is now a dead result even though the URL indicates that’s what it was.
That said, most of the polling I saw among Trump supporters online had either Dr. Carson or Senator Vance being the top choices. The rest of them IMHO are absolute no way in varying degrees.
Related to this… If you are going to expose the so-called first black president as a complete fraud, it would be a wise move to have an honorable black man as your VP.
Even more interesting, Entheos published this last week. (Robert is Trump’s brother.)
Dr. Carson recently shared this on Twitter.
Dr. Ben Carson just recently at Turning Point USA (The sound isn’t great)
There has also been another discussion about Carson becoming VP that I’m not going to include because it is from an account that is way too conspiratorial for me to share. However, I’ve saved the screen shots and if Carson is the VP pick, I’ll share them.
Sallie Borrink
Tucker’s interview with Ben Carson. I’ve watched a lot of it, but haven’t finished yet.