I find the circumstances surrounding Catherine’s cancer to be odd. One would assume the royal family would be given placebos. But maybe not. Maybe someone is trying to weaken them and take them down.
Before Catherine made her recent appearance at the Trooping the Color, Tatler came out with this cover. These titles seem odd and a bit too on-point. Money Talks? The Art of the Squeal? It doesn’t even look like her and others have pointed out various oddities with the portrait.
My own conspiracy theory is that William and Kate may have flipped. I mentioned that here on Gab. I also link this to the fact that the Middleton’s party supplies business went bankrupt. Now if you are in a position of power and have lots of money, wouldn’t you make sure that the parents of the future queen don’t have any public financial troubles? That seems like the kind of thing that would have been dealt with quietly behind the scenes in times past. There are plenty of wealthy people in the U.K. who could have handled the situation. But they didn’t.
No idea. Just jotting my random thoughts here for future reference.
The cover doesn’t even look like Princess Kate. She looks a little sick on the cover. She is much more beautiful than the cover. What you mention about the titles seems odd as well. I have always thought her cancer odd as well. Interesting that she and King Charles, both have it within a short time of each other. I have wondered if the v@x possibly accelerated it or if it’s even real? Sounds conspiracy theorist, but it is my wonderings…..