Are the Challenger crew members still alive? I mentioned this conspiracy theory yesterday in a comment on Understanding Why People Believe in Flat Earth. I’ve been wanting to do a post about this topic for some time and decided today is the day. The theory is that at least six of the seven Challenger crew members are alive and well, living regular lives in America.
In the interest of time, I will simply refer you to a few websites and videos that break it down rather than writing my own in-depth post. You can look at as many as you wish. Each one takes a bit of a different angle so it’s worth it to at least skim them if you want a good overview of it.
As with Big Mike, I can’t know for sure if this is true or not. I’m open to being persuaded that it’s all a tremendous coincidence. I mean, it’s pretty common for space shuttles to explode and then have six of the seven dead people have doppelgangers of the exact right age. (Two of them even have identical twins that apparently no one knew about.) It happens all the time, right? I mean, loosen that tinfoil hat, people. Totally normal.
So if it is true, why would they do something like this? There are a few different reasons that range from highly probable to really conspiratorial.
The highly conspiratorial view is that no one is “going to space.” That’s an entirely different post, but there’s loads of content out there about that if it interests you. (If you want to get super conspiratorial, they aren’t going to space because they can’t get beyond the firmament.)
Have you ever watched the press conference of the Apollo 11 astronauts after they went to the moon (embedded below)? Do they look like they just participated in one of the greatest feats of mankind? Ever seen the movie Capricorn One?
Here are a few comments under this video on YouTube.
I gotta tell you… This is where my suspicion began… Their behavior is just so bizarre given the magnitude of what they had supposedly achieved. Neil could barely talk… Buzz looks like his mind is still in space… Collins says he doesn’t remember seeing any stars and supposedly he wasn’t even on the surface of the moon… It’s just “Wrong”
As I said in my comment yesterday, I had a unit study and printable products about Apollo 11. I never doubted the official narrative or even questioned it enough to look into it until I saw the stuff about Challenger. Then I started looking into Apollo 11. Then I unpublished my content.
So back to Challenger. There are two options if you take the conspiratorial view.
One, the shuttle accidentally blew up and NASA had to scramble to deal with these people who were still alive (as they always are since no one goes into space). This was before the internet so it was easier to hide them in plain sight. (Part of the thrill for these people is openly lying to the public and getting away with it so this is entirely plausible.)
Two, someone blew the shuttle up on purpose to inflict a mass trauma event. Every kid in America was watching that day because a teacher was on board. (Make sure you take note of her last name. It comes up in the information I link to below.) That would be another post, but mass trauma events are very important to controlling generations of people and keeping power. Think 9-11 and what they just tried to do to President Trump.
Which one was it? I have no idea. If you gave me money to place a bet, I’d probably put it on the first option. But who knows. At this point, nothing would surprise me.
What I do know is that this conspiracy theory made me truly question everything that has to do with NASA. Everything.
So with that background, here’s some information for you.
Quick overview video
Articles that flesh out the details of each person mentioned above:
- NASA Challenger Disaster Crew Members Found Alive in 2023
- Revisiting Challenger: How Long Have Psyops Been Going On?
More videos
Here is an entire YouTube channel with info about this topic. I haven’t dug into it, but just found it this morning: Challenger Hoax.
The questions won’t go away. There are too many people questioning everything.
So what do you think? If I offered you a million dollars to place a bet on them being alive or dead, where would you put the money? Let me know in the comments and tell me what evidence (or lack of evidence) pushes you one way or the other.
I would say they’re not the same people. There are too many facial differences. Plastic surgery could account for some of that, but if the budget/commitment was there for surgery, why not change the names as well?
I think there were multiple people aboard the Challenger to fly it, because as far as I know, NASA has never been very good at automation, and the military not much better.
I do wonder whether it was an accident or an “accident”.
On the other hand, my child tells me that Dr. Richard Feynman, who was part of the investigating committee afterward, said in Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman that the Challenger’s take-off was so automated that the astronauts had nothing to do but change the cassette tapes.
Sallie Borrink
This tweet popped up in my Telegram feed. I reshared it and made the comment below.
How about just sending people back to the moon first so everyone can see it for themselves? It’s mind-boggling how many people question this one thing. Whoever is running the “we didn’t go to the moon” psyop has done a bang-up job.