For those of us who don’t homestead or farm, it can be hard to comprehend how prices are impacting those who do. It’s important we understand this for a variety of reasons.
This 20 minute video by Patera at Appalachia’s Homestead is well worth your time today. You could easily listen to it while chopping veggies, cleaning, or folding laundry.
Patera gives an update to an earlier video where she discussed the rising prices of everything related to homesteading, especially animals. While she has a small homestead, these costs are being felt by anyone growing or raising food to sell. Eventually these costs will be passed on to us. Although we are all paying higher prices at the grocery store, most of us are not yet experiencing rising prices due to these particular factors. Those costs are still yet to come.
As much as we are individually able, we need to support small farmers. Patera gives some examples of this in the video.
I do not believe this perfect storm of rising costs an accident. I think this is being done deliberately to drive small farmers out of business and control more of the food supply. If you haven’t realized it yet, the food supply has been turned into a weapon. Your money and where you spend your cash (cash!) is one of your weapons to fight back.
Every small farm and homestead that keeps operating is a win for freedom. Pass on as much of your cash as possible to these folks. We need them and they need us.
Thomas Yetman
Well, what came first the chicken or the egg ? Just left a local store $17.44 (ca.) a whole chicken (13.50 U.S.). Our socialist anti-Christ Prime Minister and his destroy at all costs oil based anything has caused skyrocketing gas prices in a country where 97+% of ALL commodities is trucked throughout the country. Tough times are here…not coming.