My Telegram Newsfeed
Thought-provoking news and commentary. You will be stretched and challenged by what you read here. America First.
The inclusion of content is NOT an endorsement of the content or the channel of origin. I read widely and repost from many different channels. I try not to repost things with profanity, but I do occasionally. Some videos will only play on Telegram. I have no control over that.
The comments on this page are open.
Sallie Borrink
The comments are open here so feel free to leave a comment or start a discussion about anything that shows up in the feed.
I have to say keeping up with the news is extremely difficult these days. There is much going on from POTUS forced out, assassination attempt and what is the truth, Cackling Kamala, Netanyahu here and the list goes on! Reading your thread is helpful!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Kris,
It is crazy how much can happen in just a day right now. I’ve found that between Telegram and Gab I can keep up with what is going on without getting overwhelmed. I’m glad you find it helpful!
Merrilyn McElderry
Thank you as well, Sallie for writing with honesty and loving God first all the time. I find readying most all you write refreshing, and boosting my hope for a more balanced time with values reinstated once again that depict the honesty and Love of God you always include. I so appreciate all you do for the world to make it a more informed , safe, and God-filled space. You always turn to God for answers, and that is so powerful in claming a new beginning for us all just like Jesus always turned to his Father., gave thanks, and communicated .” I of mine own self can do nothing.” John 5;10. Many Blessings and gratitude boundless, I appreciate you so much, Merri .
Sallie Borrink
There is now an option for commenting/discussing on Telegram as well. I’ll keep the comments open here for people who don’t use Telegram. ❤️
I have been listening to Candace. The history of the Franken cult behind the Jews is absolutely disgusting. A lot of research and how they h*te Christians. Her last two episodes go into this. Showing facts in her episodes. A lot of truth bombs definitely!
Sallie Borrink
I will have to look into that. It’s such a huge rabbit hole once you start down it. It takes time to sort out the truth. There are so many different trails to try to sort out that it can become overwhelming.
I have been reading these through the last few days. It is evil. It feels like we are on a speeding downward spiral. Kamala as president would fulfill everything they want against America and Americans. She would be totalitarian. What has been done to bring her in is totalitarian just like Venezuela and other countries.
We only have our hope in the Lord.
Sallie Borrink
The Lord intervening and helping those fighting for truth is our only hope. If we are not on God’s side, it’s a pointless fight. Entheos talks about this.
Merrilyn McElderry
How an I get TELEGRAM on this small HP laptop.. I would like to try it out. Is it better than Messenger?
Messenger is a communication app. Telegram is a social media app. You can just do a search in your app bar on the left bottom corner or in your primary explorer app and upload it.
Sallie Borrink
Were you able to figure it out, Merrilyn?
I am leaving another conservative group I am a part of. Tired of the echo chamber and no one wants to think outside the box. Thanks for the information you post to give us food for thought!
Sallie Borrink
Hi Kris,
You’re welcome! I do try to focus on presenting information that seems to cut to the heart of the situation at 40,000 feet, especially in ways people might not be discussing.
No idea which group you are talking about (and don’t need to know), but if they are anything like what I’m observing… People have settled into a few different groups.
People who are awake, very weary, but manage to keep going. (This is probably most people who read my Telegram.)
People on the right who are being exposed at grifters who will talk any message that brings clicks and money. (This includes most of Conservative, Inc. and those who really aren’t America First. They are first and foremost for themselves and keeping access to power.)
People right of center who cannot see beyond the reality presented to them due to their personality. They take things for what they seem to be and base it on what has always been. They aren’t against knowing the truth. They simply won’t be able to believe anything they can’t observe until they see it in reality and are told it’s true. (This is a lot of good conservative people who feel let down by what they perceive Trump didn’t do in his first term. They can’t grasp the big picture because it’s so far outside of the bounds of normal. I would guess many of my readers – and former readers – fall in this group.)
NPCs who just do what they are told. They switch their flag in their Facebook bio whenever someone “in authority” tells them to do so. They rarely have an original thought. (Many people fall into this group.)
The people who are center left who see a lot of what is going on, but can’t bring themselves to accept that their party and their people are the ones doing most of the destructive and treasonous things. They don’t see the entire picture, but they know their “side’ is primarily to blame. They don’t really know what to do because they were trained by the MSM to hate Trump. They also know he’s the only option at this point because they are not communists at heart.
The AWFULs (affluent, white, female, urban, liberals) are hands-down one of the biggest problems in this country. I have no idea how they will ever grasp reality. They are a tool of the last group.
The Evil. Think reprobate mind of Romans 1. And worse.
That’s how I see it right now. Sorry for the long reply. It simply motivated me to write out my thoughts about this. lol
I should probably put it into a post as well.
Sallie Borrink
I did put this in a post. I felt it was worth keeping and not losing in a comment thread.
Where Americans Are Mentally Right Now
What will they NOT do to keep Trump from being president?
The CO Governor’s response to the Aurora apartment gang that it is the councilwoman’s imagination is sickening. This is fact and all over the news. The CO governor is letting his true colors show finally than what he shows on national TV. The politicians (including mayors and many others) in my state are more concerned with protecting themselves then that of the citizens is disgusting. They arrested the leader “Cookie Monster” then our Soros backed AG let him out again. Let the violence continue on citizens and migrants who live in those several apartment complexes yet take away the private rights of Americans and not able to get 911 help. Who will lose their lives next because of these despicable “policies”?