Happy Warrior For Christ
So it’s no secret that I’ve been stuck. I went back to see how many posts I published in 2023 and it was around 200. Of those, 51 were Scripture posts. While they are certainly important, …
Living A Quiet Simple Life
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So it’s no secret that I’ve been stuck. I went back to see how many posts I published in 2023 and it was around 200. Of those, 51 were Scripture posts. While they are certainly important, …
I have wanted a copy of The Geneva Bible for some time. Caroline and I spent quite a bit of time in November learning more about the Pilgrims and reading what they wrote in their own words. It seemed …
Back in early June I wrote about Our Trip to the ER on Sunday. Thankfully David was fine, but it was not a cheap outing. It also presented us with our first opportunity to submit a need to Samaritan …
I don’t have time to write many in-depth posts right now, but I want to say this. Anyone – ANYONE – who is telling you not to ask questions but obediently fall in line with (insert …
Last night while I was taking my shower, I noticed the water was only getting lukewarm. I thought maybe David and Caroline were doing something that was causing the hot water to not replace quickly …
Young earth creationism is one of those doctrines that I don’t struggle with at all. It seems to me that it’s the only option that is faithful to the Scriptures. This is a good, succinct …
Some thoughts after watching a YouTuber trying to encourage others by talking about the love of God, prayer, faith, etc. while being unwilling to name the name of Jesus. Mentioned in the chat: The …
Shelly is a fellow relaxed homeschool blogger at There’s No Place Like Home. She also has a fascinating and popular series of videos on YouTube called “Question the Narrative” in …
Doug Wilson is far more measured than I was when I saw the CT article shared on Gab. (I refuse to link to their article. They don’t deserve the juice of a backlink from me.) This is what I said: …
This is very good. Doug Wilson discusses justice, gospel-centered, compromise, and more. “Who’s in charge of defining terms?” “All of a sudden it’s possible to move to …